U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Healthy Water – Flood Water Exposure
Future needs for securing water for food (water–food Nexus) Water shortages across the globe represent one of the most difficult challenges facing development in the twenty-first century; nearly 3 billion people, over 38% of the world’s total population (7.96 billion as of July 2022) (World...
Safe levels of consumption are the levels that maintain health and nutrient stores in healthy individuals within a group. Further, these recommended intakes provide sufficient amounts of nutrients for prevention of deficiency disease, for growth and healthy maintenance of the body, and optimum levels ...
The COVID-19 pandemic brings forth the urgency of ensuring access to safe drinking water, as it is fundamental for effective handwashing, sanitation, and overall public health. The water affordability crisis is a result of increasing water cost and community poverty rates, with communities of colo...
Sustainable management of these systems should respond to the need for: Promoting adequate levels of service and strengthening long-term service reliability; Improving the sustainable use of water and energy; Managing service risk, taking into account users’ needs and risk accept...
For over 100 years, acid mine drainage impacted one of Pennsylvania's greatest resources. Mainstem Restoration Thanks to the hard work and dedication of many stakeholders and agencies, DEP has attained 32 miles of the Bennett Branch Sinnemahoning in 2022!
Although identification at bacterial genus level is not direct evidence of human pathogens, our results suggest cistern water quality needs more organized attention for protection of human health, and that preparation and prevention measures should be taken before natural disasters strike. Graphical ...
The global picture of water and health has a strong local dimension with some 1.1 billion people still lacking access to improved drinking water sources and some 2.4 billion to adequate sanitation. Today we have strong evidence that water-, sanitation and hygiene-related diseases account for some ...
Water utilities worldwide report a range of figures for NRW and losses because the figures are influenced by a variety of factors such as the age and condition of the pipes, supply pressures, efficiency of leak and waste prevention measures, how the unmetered demand is estimated and the ...
natural or added contaminations rob us of the gift and making us confront a lot more challenging world. It is a well-known fact that fresh water is an important necessity for our health. With the advancement of technology and industrial growth, fresh water resources all over the world are ...