The most simple water molecular, H2O, is a fascinating but poorly understood molecule. Its unique ability to attract an exceptionally large number of hydrogen bonds induces the formation of a dense "hydrogen bond network" that has the potential to modify the properties of the surrounding molecules...
proving the spatial ordering of H-bonded water molecules at room temperature, where they are anticipated to be disordered. Additionally, we show a substantial distortion of the paddlewheel Cu2+-centers that arises with water coordination simultaneously. Also, we suggest the dynamic coordination bond ...
Serine-based β-lactamases of Class A, C and D all rely on a key water molecule to hydrolyze and inactivate β-lactam antibiotics. This process involves two conserved catalytic steps. In the first acylation step, the β-lactam antibiotic forms an acyl-en
(i.e., theirGiwi>0) to remain soluble in water. Due to their size, with linear as well as with more globular polymer molecules any hydrophobic patch that is exposed to the water interface is likely to bind to another such patch on another similar polymer molecule, with aΔGiwienergy ...
The F − anion will donate a pair of electrons to the B atom in the BF 3 molecule to form the tetrahedral BF 4 − anion. This type of bonding where one atom, the donor, supplies both electrons to form the bond to the second atom, the acceptor, is termed Coordinate, or sometimes...
maritima SecA, D252 and E253 H bond via one or two water molecules (Fig. S10). (E) Frequency of H bonding to water of carboxylate groups of the DEAD amino acid residues. (F) Molecular graphics illustrating water bridging via one water molecule in ADP-bound B. subtilis. (G) ...
This result indicates that the conjugated addition reaction proceeds predominantly, when the chloronium cation is opened by a water molecule rather than by the chloride anion at the second stage of the process (Fig. 6). This is absolutely reasonable because the amount of water in the reaction ...
During the catalytic step immediately prior to O-O bond formation in Photosystem II, a water molecule deprotonates and moves next to the water-splitting Mn4CaO5 cluster's O5 oxo bridge. Considerable evidence identifies O5 as one of the two substrate waters that ultimately form O2. The reloc...
In fact, the bond type is determined by the mutual orientation of neighboring molecules (the short-range order of each molecule) and can vary with time. Therefore, the network of bonds can simultaneously affect the properties of solid and the properties of liquid. The calculations (Fig. 2a) ...
·+) undergoes an ultrafast proton transfer reaction to a neighboring water molecule to form the hydroxyl radical2, a highly reactive species that triggers the oxidative damage of cellular matter3and corrosion in nuclear reactors4. The electrons, on the other hand, are postulated to induce ...