Winsor & Newton Artisan Water Mixable Oil Paints are genuine oil colors made from modified linseed and safflower oils. Ideal for artists who share a workspace or prefer to work without solvents, they clean up easily with water. They look and perform just like conventional oil colors, offering ...
Water-mixable oil (WMO) paints are a relatively new addition to the artists' palette that have increased in usage and popularity over the past few decades. Understanding the composition and properties of WMO paint is essential for the artists who use them and for the people who work with ...
Clean up is probably the biggest advantage of water-mixable oil paints. If you have avoided oils because you hate to clean the brushes, then this is the paint for you. Your cleaning time is cut in half, you can breathe easily through the process, and you will not be left with colored...
Paint curingRelaxometrySingle-sided NMR and gas chromatography were used in tandem to investigate the physical and chemical differences between traditional linseed oil paint and water-mixable oil paint. Water-mixable oil paints contain an emulsifier that confers water miscibility, but it may also ...
Cobra: A New Line of Water-Mixable Oil PaintsThe article features Cobra, a line of water-mixable oil colors introduced by art-materials manufacturer Royal Talens.American Artist