根据文章最后一段In one hour, a sprinkler uses the same amount of water as the average family of four uses in a day—about 632 liters.可知使用sprinkler的用水量是很大的。故B说法不是节水的好方法。 考点:考查环境保护类短文阅读 点评:本文讲述的是在英国建议人们安装the water meter (计量器)来节约...
average householdwater billcomes to about 0.3% of the average total monthly spending which is lower than [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 香港家庭為食水所支付的費用,約佔每月平均家居總開支的0.3%,低於世界上其他許 多主要城市。 legco.gov.hk ...
In this section you can find out more about how to pay your bill, our scheme of charges, reading your meter and leakage allowances. Understanding your bill Paying your bill Non Domestic Charges Read your meter Water saving tips for businesses Metered connections Q&A Leakage responsibilities, all...
References "After having installed this measurement system, we havereduced the costs for water supply by 35% on averageand we have streamlined the maintenance and possible repairs for all buildings." Michal Zelinka, Business Centre, Czech Republic "Smart water meter solution by BONEGAsaved one of ...
Byline: Niamh Lyons Political CorrespondentSTRICKEN families could have to pay up to [euro]700 per year for water services, according to one of the State's leading economists.Professor Richard Tol of the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) claimed the Government has underestimated the ...
then you may have a leak within your boundary. If you turn back on your internal stopcock and the meter starts to move this suggests that the leaks is within your property. If the meter does not move it suggests that the leak is not related to any of your pipework and maybe an externa...
Check for small water leaks.There are two places to check for leaks. Read your water meter, and then read it two hours later when no water has been used in the house—before and after leaving the house to run errands or see a movie is a good time. If the meter reading changes at ...
The average Water & Sewer bill paid on doxo in Nevada was $119 Click & Drag on Map to Explore +− 890Water & Sewer Billerson doxo in Nevada (last 90 days) 24are national companies 866are regional companies $119avg. bill payment made to Water & Sewer companies in Nevada ...
if necessary. After two or more hours with no usage of water at all, check the water meter again. If the sweep hand moves to a higher number, you have a minor leak. Always remember that with the rapidly increasing cost of water, even a small leak can add greatly to your water bill...
【题目】We use an average of 158 liters of water a day in Britain, for which we pay a bargain price of 28p a liter, but much of this is just cash down the drain, according to water companies.Most are campaigning to cut the amount we use. And the frontline weapon in their campaign...