A water-level-controller circuit monitors the level of the overhead tank and spontaneously switches on the water pump whenever the level goes below a specific limit. The level of the overhead tank is indicated using 5 LEDs, and the pump is switched off when the overhead tank gets completely...
Wireless water level indicator and controller using pic microcontrollerNaregalkarP.RNishtha JoshiParag Vermaand Piyush Bhatia
1. Contact Water Level Controller Here a simple circuit to control the Water pumps. When the water level in theover head tankexceeds the required level, the pump automatically turns off and stops the pumping process thus preventing the over flow of water. It uses a relay to cut off the po...
light to measure a water level inside the water tank so as to transmit water level data; a repeater operated by the power generated by using the solar light to receive and transmit the water level data; and a remote control manager receiving the water level data transmitted through the ...
Automatic control of a pump system for water level using Microcontroller and LabVIEWTM Water scarcity is one of the major problems the water is left running for over a long period of time facing many cities of the world and wastage during tra... S Pathan,P Kumar,S Tendolkar,... 被引量...
Y series single pump intelligent controller adopts microcomputer microcontroller technology, with the advantages of powerful function and simple and convenient installation. No need to install the liquid level probe to realize the dry rotation protection, support the timer work, realize the intel...
Step 5: Ground Controller To control the ROV, I'm currently using a standard Flysky i6x transmitter. This transmitter offers 10 channels, allowing for a variety of functions to be controlled. However, one limitation is that the throttle stick doesn't come with a self-centering feature. This...
The sensor parameters such as conductivity, turbidity, water level and pH are measured by placing the sensor into different solutions of water. The measured parameters can be viewed by using LCD. The data from the sensors are sent to the cloud using the controller. Threshold is set in the ...
During this time, the proper bit sequence will appear on pins 13 through 20 of the microcontroller 116 to display the appropriate number. A short time later, the DRIVE A line will be set low and the tens digit will be enabled by setting the DRIVE B line to high. The bit pattern on ...