K. Haga et al., "Technical investigation on small water leak- age incident occurrence in mercury target of J-PARC," J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 55, 160-168 (2018).K. Haga et al., "Technical investigation on small water leakage incident occurrence in mercury target of J-PARC", J. Nucl....
Demand would also be reduced if less water was lost through leakage. As mentioned in a previous post, in 2009, the National Water Commission (Conagua) estimated that a staggering 40% of potable water nationwide was being lost through leaks in city and municipal systems, with a further 20% ...
We combined these in quadrature with leakage error associated with imperfections in the coastal resolution improvement filter by conservatively assuming the separation of land and ocean mass is in error by 50% (Wiese et al. 2016). Additional GRACE/FO data products (Save et al. 2016; Loomis et...
ProcessRelatedIncident ProcessRelationshipType ProcessType ProcessWaterQuality ProcessWaterUtilization ProcessWaterUtilizationCost Reading ReadingResultType ReadingSourceType ReadingType RelatedCustomerGroup RelatedHydrologicFormation RelatedParty RelatedProcess RelatedStandardVersion Sample SampleTest SampleTestCategory SampleTes...
StorageTankLeakage StorageTankType StudentStatus Survey SurveyQuestion SurveyType SustainableContentType Task TaskDate TaskDateType TaskDeliverable TaskDeliverablePartyRelationshipType TaskDeliverableRelatedParty TaskDeliverableStatus TaskDeliverableStatusType TaskDocument TaskOrganization TaskPartyRelationshipType TaskPriorit...
A groundwater surveillance framework is also needed, which has an arrangement of deep wells that have penetrated in and around the site. The wells allow an inspection and testing schedule to be performed for identifying any leaks or groundwater contamination. If leakage is not possible, wells ca...
where zwater is the acoustic impedance of water, zsample is the acoustic impedance of the sample material and θwater and θsample are the incident angle of the plane sound wave with respect to the water and sample interfaces respectively. Note that the incident angle of the sound wave was ...
temperature, pressure, and some corrosive chemicals constrain the use of MBR, especially in large-scale operations2. Leakage of contaminants through the membranes, due to the gradual degradation of membranes poses another challenge. Although QQ is promising in ensuring the long-term operation of MBR...
Faulty plumbing or leakage like detachment of vent pipe, drain to sewer, sewage disposal/lavatory, and flushing problems (Fig. 2). can lead to the aerosolization of the virus-infected droplets, as described excellently by a CNN report22. This can lead to further secondary transmission as is...