Python3代码 class Solution: def canMeasureWater(self, x: int, y: int, z: int) -> bool: # solution one: BFS from collections import deque queue = deque([[0, 0]]) visited = set([(0, 0)]) while queue: cur_x, cur_y = queue.pop() if z in [cur_x, cur_y, cur_x + cur...
装满任意一个水壶 清空任意一个水壶 从一个水壶向另外一个水壶倒水,直到装满或者倒空 示例1: (From the famous "Die Hard" example) 输入: x = 3, y = 5, z = 4 输出: True 示例2: 输入: x = 2, y = 6, z = 5 输出: False 思路 懒得整BFS和DFS,就只能靠数学方法做了。通过裴蜀定理,若x...
每次水壶都有三个操作:加满水、清空水、相互倒。 Python3代码 class Solution: def canMeasureWater(self, x: int, y: int, z: int) -> bool: # solution one: BFS from collections import deque queue = deque([[0, 0]]) visited = set([(0, 0)]) while queue: cur_x, cur_y = queue.p...
Empty any of the jugs. Pour water from one jug into another till the other jug is completely full or the first jug itself is empty. Example 1:(From the famous"Die Hard"example) Input: x = 3, y = 5, z = 4Output: True Example 2: Input: x = 2, y = 6, z = 5Output: False...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: water jug problem water jug problem分享到: 水罐问题分类: 心理学 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: 赞助商链接 你知道它的英文吗? ·熟虑型 ·数系完成测验数系完成测验 ·栓塞 ·视野障碍 ·数据...
英文: She poured some water into the earthenware jug.中文: 她向那个陶罐里倒了些水。英文: Cost: Bottled water can cost approximately $1 for a gallon jug, while tap water costs pennies on the dollar.中文: 花费:瓶装水大约每加仑1美元,而自来水仅需几美分。 You are given two jugs with capacities x and y litres. There is an infinite amount of water supply available. You need to determine whether it is possible to measure exactly z litres using these two jugs. ...
英语解释 water-jug problem water-jug problem是什么意思、water-jug problem怎么读 water-jug problem汉语翻译 【计】 水和罐问题
jug eared adj. 有招风耳的 water n. 1. 水,雨水,海水,水位,水面,流体,水域 v.[T] 1. 浇水,供以水,注入水,使湿,加水稀释,给...水喝 v.[I] 1. 流泪 2. 流口水 problem free 毫无问题的 problem solver n. 善于解决问题的人,实干家 参考例句: I am all of the following: innovative, fa...
If z liters of water is measurable, you must have z liters of water contained within one or both buckets by the end. Operations allowed: Fill any of the jugs completely with water. Empty any of the jugs. Pour water from one jug into another till the other jug is completely full or ...