We have analyzed the major water vapor sources for the precipitation in the Indian region for the SW and NE monsoon seasons using the isotope-enabled Earth System Model iCESM1. Further, we studied the effects of the water vapor sources on the δ18Op, which have implications for paleoclimate ...
14C age ranging from 136 to 23,412 yrs. Most of the water that eventually becomes recharge originally infiltrated in July–September. The Cl and NO3contents in the upper UZ are considerably higher than those in the deep UZ and shallow groundwater because of recent human activities. The shallow...
Re-Analysis (ERA-interim), MSWEP precipitation, surface soil moisture from The European Space Agency (ESA)-Climate Change Initiative (ESA-CCI), vegetation optical depth from Land Parameter Retrieval Model (LPRM) and snow water equivalent from Global Snow Monitoring for Climate Research (GlobSnow). ...
Interestingly, the value of\({\tau }_{{{\rm{int}}}\)and its isotope dependence are reminiscent of hydrated electron excited-state dynamics. Time-resolved optical and photoelectron spectroscopy ofep, prepared by photoexcitation of pre-equilibratedes, reveal\({\tau }_{p}\)~50–75 fs and ...
Wiser, I. Water Isotope System for Data Analysis, Visualization and Electronic Retrieval, Global Isotopes in Precipitation; The GNIP Database; WISER Version 0.7; GNIP: Boulder, CO, USA, 2013. [Google Scholar] Tantawi, M.; El-Sayed, E.; Awad, M. Hydrochemical and stable isotope study of ...
international network GNIP (Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation), developed from the 1960s by IAEA and WMO and now available together with GNIR (Global Network of Isotopes in Rivers) [37] at the portal WISER (Water Isotope System for Data Analysis, Visualization and Electronic Retrieval)...
(ARM)AerobiologyAerospaceAgricultureAgriEngineeringAgrochemicalsAgronomyAIAI SensorsAirAlgorithmsAllergiesAlloysAnalyticaAnalyticsAnatomiaAnesthesia ResearchAnimalsAntibioticsAntibodiesAntioxidantsApplied BiosciencesApplied MechanicsApplied MicrobiologyApplied NanoApplied SciencesApplied System Innovation (ASI)AppliedChemAppliedMath...