Mars,scientists reported this week.The presence of water raises the chances of finding life on the red planet.The discovery is based on observations by a European spacecraft.It has excited experts.Water is necessary for life,and scientists have long hoped to prove that it is present on Mars....
water under the bridge A past occurrence, especially something unfortunate, that cannot be undone or rectified 既成事实:过去发生的事情,尤指不幸之事且不可改变或无法挽回 All that is now just water under the bridge. 所有那些现在都是不可改变的既成事实 点击展开全部用法 拍照翻译 语音翻译 智能背词 ...
Ground water occurs almost everywhere beneath the land surface and is an integral part of a complex hydrologic cycle that involves continuous movement of water on Earth. The widespread occurrence of potable ground water is a major reason for its use as a source of water supply worldwide. Further...
This chapter reviews fundamental legal principles relating to groundwater quantity and quality in the United States, Australia and the European Union. It also examines legal approaches to three key “integration” challenges in groundwater law, which ari
the ocean floor where water boils as it is heated by the lava beneath the Earth’s crust. The huge mineral content that comes from the crust dissolves and deposits around the vents, building up to form a strange chimney from the ocean floor. Most certainly, an underwater wonder to behold...
1). Except the sensor beneath the root ball (No. 9; 70–80 cm depth), the SWP-sensors were replicated twice, each in the opposing side of the tree. Soil temperature sensors were installed in three depths (Fig. 1). The monitoring at Y1-Y4 (n = 10) started in June 2016, ...
” I cried. “This man of Eridu, most righteous Ziusudra, must post a guard to protect his boat from destruction, and tomorrow he must fill his boat with the seed of all living creatures, along with himself, his property, and his kin. In the evening Tagtug will present himself, and...
If fossil content is present, they are named biocalcisiltite, biocalcarenite, and biocalcirudite. Throughout the entire section, five main types of macrofossils were observed: larger benthic foraminifera (almost exclusively nummulitids), gastropods, oysters, other bivalves, and corals (Figs. 2a...
Weeping stains the earth. One can only take shelter And wait for clearing." - Deng Ming Dao "If there is magic on the planet, it is contained in the water." - Loren Eisley "Estuaries are a happy land, rich in the continent itself, stirred by the forces of nature ...
It is of general interest to monitor the release of leachates from shale residues, particularly from well-defined deposits, for several reasons: (1) assessment of present and future environmental impact and health risks associated with spreading of elements from the deposit and (2) enhanced underst...