Tests showed he had suffered water intoxication and brain damage. I don't blame pusher, 14 for death of my Andrew; Victim's mum forgives schoolboy More results ► Dictionary browser ? ▲ Water gavel Water germander Water gilding water gillyflower water glass Water god Water grass Water gruel...
Indicate whether the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) increases or decreases: Water intoxication results in a(n) _ in GFR. Indicate whether the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) increases or decreases: Dehydration results in a(n) _ in the GFR. ...
water intoxication(redirected from Water toxicity)Also found in: Medical. water intoxication n 1. (Pathology) a nontechnical name for hyponatraemia 2. (Medicine) a nontechnical name for hyponatraemia Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers...
In a patient suffering from severe bulimia nervosa, cognitive behavioral treatment was complicated by acute water intoxication. Fluid intake was investigated further in 21 patients fulfilling diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa. Results suggest that (1) high fluid intake is common, and (2) the...
The results from this calculator will give you a reasonable estimate, but we recommend checking in with your veterinarian since they can consider all of the unique characteristics of your dog to come up with a healthy hydration plan with you. That said, most dogs need 1/2 to 1 ounce of...
Absorbed nitrites will bind to hemoglobin reducing the blood's oxygen carrying capacity, which results in varying stages of anoxia in affected animals. Although water nitrate content generally is not solely responsible for animal intoxication, it can significantly contribute to dietary nitrate content in...
A. Aquagenic pruritis is a condition that results after exposure to water of any temperature. Symptoms develop within minutes and may include itching, burning or even a prickly sensation. Most times there are no skin changes, although a faint, bumpy, itchy red rash may occur. The symptoms las...
is an underestimated problem in the pediatric population. In most cases, it results from excessive hydration or water retention, also described as the so-called water intoxication. One of the most known causes is the use of desmopressin in enuretic children. This drug enhances the free water re...
Focuses on a study which evaluated the types of child abuse, clinical presentation, electrolytes, blood gases and autopsy findings in three children who died from forced water intoxication. Subjects and methodology; Symptoms of water intoxication; Other physical evidence of abuse; Discussion of the r...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook water hyacinth (redirected fromWater hyacinths) Thesaurus Encyclopedia water hyacinth n. Any of several tropical aquatic plants of the genusEichhornia,especially the widespread speciesE. crassipes,originally of South America, which forms dense floating masses in rivers an...