What Is Water Intoxication in Babies? Water intoxication, also called hyponatremia, is a condition in which the sodium level in the blood becomes abnormally low. Drinking too much water can cause this condition. A baby who is given water under the age of 6 months may be at risk for this ...
water intoxication water jacket Water joint water jug water jump Water junket water key Water laverock Water leg water lemon water lettuce water level water lily Water lime water line Water lizard water lobelia water locust Water locust tree water louse water main water mat water meadow Water measu...
(Plants) a floating aquatic plant,Eichhornia crassipes,of tropical America, having showy bluish-purple flowers and swollen leafstalks: familyPontederiaceae.It forms dense masses in rivers, ponds, etc, and is a serious problem in the southern US, Australia, and parts of Africa ...
Drinking too much water could lead to hyponatremia (low sodium levels), also known as water intoxication, where sodium levels in the body become overly diluted. This can lead to swelling in the brain, seizures and coma. So if you’re feeling quenched, don’t overdo it. SLIDESHOW The 14 ...
Water intoxication is a risk when drinking excessive amounts of water, although drinking eight glasses a day probably won't put you at risk of this. An article in theJournal of Clinical Pathologyindicates that symptoms of water intoxication include disorientation, nausea and sometimes vomiting. Havi...
with kidney stones need to drink more water, while patients with kidney failure need to drink less water, we have to make corresponding adjustments according to their situation, drinking water in moderation. It is important to know that drinking too much water may also cause water intoxication. ...
水电解质代谢紊乱WaterandElectrolyteImbalance课件 水、电解质代谢紊乱 WaterandElectrolyteImbalance 水、电解质紊乱 一、体液容量及其分布(Totalfluidvolumeanddistribution)Table1Approximatavolumeofbodyfluidcompartments成人(男)妇女新生儿老年人 TBW 60 50-55 80 52 ICF 40 35 35 27 ECF 20 18 45 25 Interstitia...
1. A clear, odorless, tasteless liquid, solidifying at 32°F (0°C and R), and boiling at 212°F (100°C, 80°R), which is present in all animal and vegetable tissues and dissolves more substances than any other liquid. See also: volume 2. Euphemism for urine. 3. A pharmacopei...
It is sometimes also called water intoxication, overhydration, or water poisoning. Sodium, or salt, is an electrolyte that regulates how much water goes in and out of cells. Basically, too much water dilutes your sodium levels and interferes with organ function. When hyponatremia occurs, your ...
Although water nitrate content generally is not solely responsible for animal intoxication, it can significantly contribute to dietary nitrate content in predisposing to potential intoxication (Table 9-4). A zero tolerance level is expected for microbiologic contamination of human water sources. Animals,...