Despite existing recommendations for water intake and scientific evidence on the role of water for health, today, a considerable portion of the population is at risk of hydration-related health consequences such as metabolic and kidney disease. It was previously proposed that a threshold value of ...
Understanding the reasons for the high proportion of young adults failing to meet recommendations should be the subject of future research. Given the impact of habitual fluid intake on health outcomes, adequate hydration among young adults remains a cause for concern. Funding Sources Data analyses ...
Data on the frequency of consumption and the daily consumption of tap water, heated and unheated, as well as other beverages were collected (recall) to be able to estimate the amount of tap water consumed in relation to total fluid intake/other beverages. Information on water used for ...
The AI values for water from beverages and foods according to the US Institute of Medicine (IOM) are 2700 mL/day for adult women and 3700 mL/day for adult men [13]. These values were based on median intake estimates among younger adults from NHANES III. The desirable water-to-energy ...
On the basis of the results obtained, recommendations were developed for the areas of water intake without rest.BIO web of conferencesF.N. JamolovSh. BerdievX. ErgashevI. IdievT. Abdiyev
We selected for this study women who self-reported daily fluid intake less than 1.5 L. These women are considered low-volume fluid drinkers based on recommendations of the European Food Safety Agency, which recommends a daily water intake from fluids of 1.6 L for women,38 and the Institute of...
Seventy-one percent of adolescents did not meet the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) recommendations for average total water intake (TWI), and 68% had high first morning urine osmolality values. TWI and the proportion of those meeting EFSA reference values significantly (P<0.05) decreased with...
That’s because people who work out regularly or spend time in the sun need even more water than the standard recommendations. The bad news is that a lot of people aren’t drinking enough water; data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention gathered between 2015 and 2018 (the ...
habitual low and high TWI consumers [16,17], water AI recommendations [6,7], the health effects of beverage consumption [60], young versus older adults [61], 12-h or 24-h water restriction [62,63], and experimental interventions which control and modify daily total water intake and bever...
Background: Increasingly, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is becoming an inevitable consequence of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. As the disease progresses, and through dialysis, the need for and loss of water-soluble vitamins both increase. Thi