Kampata, J.M. 2010. The influence of international water governance on water management in Zambia. GCI Conference, Bonn, Germany.Kampata, J.M. (2010) `The Influence of International Water Governance on Wa- ter Management in Zambia'. Paper presented at the GCI Conference on The Global ...
Young KR, Lipton JK (2006) Adaptive governance and climate change in the tropical highlands of Western South America. Clim Chang 78:63–102. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-006-9091-9 Article Google Scholar Zainol NFM, Zainuddin AH, Looi LJ, Aris AZ, Isa NM, Sefie A, Ku Yusof KMK ...
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Within the last decade, substantial progress has been achieved in the management of centralized water reticulation in Zambia. Characterized by diversified fiscal resourcing, concurrent institutional restructuring and introduction of new players in water governance, the water sector is set to achieve ...
Zambia Zimbabwe No Results Found Try changing the filters or search term Request Info Find a Location Building a more water-secure world Innovating, collaborating and connecting diverse capabilities, solutions and know-how, to champion those who make water work every day. ...
(This article belongs to the SectionWater Resources Management, Policy and Governance) Downloadkeyboard_arrow_down Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract This study presents a comprehensive analysis of the critical issue of water insecurity and its multifaceted impact on and relationship to the human righ...
Journal of Public Policy and Governance, 1 (2) (2014), pp. 72-81 Google Scholar Ncube and Schutte, 2005 E.J. Ncube, C.F. Schutte The occurrence of fluoride in South African groundwater: a water quality and health problem WaterSA, 31 (1) (2005), pp. 35-40, 10.4314/wsa.v31i1.511...
Governing a shared hidden resource: A review of governance mechanisms for transboundary groundwater security Tamee R.Albrecht, ...ChadStaddon, inWater Security, 2017 3.3.2International legal principles: Equitable and reasonable use and no harm ...
Author: Farhan Anwar Shehri-Citizens of a Better Environment Pakistan‚ Member of OECD Watch Email: fanwar@onkhura.com Abstract The water and sanitation sector in Karachi (the largest city in Pakistan with an estimated population of about 16 million) is faced with a crisis of governance. The...