凯尔特乡村音乐 Eamonn Jackson - Water For My Horses(给我的马饮水) http://t.cn/A6fovCvU
The horses had been fed and watered. 已经给马喂过饲料饮过水了。 最后,再给大家介绍一些和“water”有关的俚语。 (like) water off a duck's back 无效警告 这个表达的意思是对某人的批评或告诫像水过鸭背,毫无影响,不起作用。 I'...
Scotland- one of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; located on the northern part of the island of Great Britain; famous for bagpipes and plaids and kilts evil spirit- a spirit tending to cause harm ...
解析: 5. 句子主语是“some hay”,为不可数名词,所以be动词用“is”。 6. 回答是“They are Jim's”,说明询问的是物品的所有者,因此用“Whose”。 7. “mouse”是单数,但“tooth”是可数名词,且表示复数,所以用“teeth”。 8. 句子指代的是“my cows and sheep”,为复数,所以用复数指示代词“Thes...
stale- urinate, of cattle and horses egest,excrete,eliminate,pass- eliminate from the body; "Pass a kidney stone" ca-ca,crap,defecate,take a crap,stool,make- have a bowel movement; "The dog had made in the flower beds" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012...
My first home is a beautiful meadow with a pond of clearwater.My mother and I have a happy life.She works during the day.I play with the other young horses and have great fun.At night I lie next to her. One day,my master sells me to Squire Gordon.He lives with his family in a...
Water-horses Variations:Nykur Hestur (Nykur Horse), Nickur; Nennir, Ninnir (Ninny); Flóðhestur (Hippopotamus); Kumbur (Clump); Skolli (Devil); Vatnaskratti (Water Fiend) The Nykur or Nennir is the water-horse of Iceland. It is found across the island in association with pools...
对Part IV The Antrhopology of Water里的将近40处日本文学引文很感兴趣,尤其是俳句,于是查了一下出典和日文原文,一方面也是想知道80年代一个在比文、古典学以及其他国别文学受过良好训练的西方读者如果对日本文学感兴趣的话,大概会阅读哪些英文译本/选本。这一段出自Part II Short Talks:On TroutIn haiku there are...
The horses had been fed and watered. 已经给马喂过饲料饮过水了。 最后,再给大家介绍一些和“water”有关的俚语。 (like) water off a duck's back 无效警告 这个表达的意思是对某人的批评或告诫像水过鸭背,毫无影响,不起作用。 I'v...
My mother and I had a happy life. She worked during the day. I played with the other young horses and had great fun. At night I lay next to her. One day, my master sold me to Squire Gordon. He lived with his family in a big house. "You are a beautiful horse," he said. "...