There are several factors to growing healthy cannabis plants, and water is just one of them. Both hydroponic and soil grows rely on good water, so it’s imperative that both growing methods have a good water source. Proper pH is particularly important for hydroponics, less so for organic soi...
While it is generally a good idea to let your potted cannabis plant dry out a bit after watering (watering too often causes its own problems), you should always water your cannabis plants again before the leaves start drooping. This is the case for cannabis plants grown in both soilless gro...
Did you know you can clone cannabis by putting a piece of a branch in water? Just leave your cup in a warm sunny spot and wait 2-4 weeks for roots to form (some strains take longer with this method, while others root quickly). Who doesn’t want a bunch of free plants when it’...
NetBow™ was developed to address the needs of high-value soilless pot-irrigated crops such as blueberries and Cannabis, that require unique irrigation and fertigation knowhow. learn more NETAJET 4G™ Suitable for greenhouses and net houses in both soil and soilless media, NetaJet™ 4G...
CBD (cannabidiol) is a non-intoxicating compound found in hemp plants. It supports the positive effects of endocannabinoids, which are natural cellular messengers in our bodies Will this get me high? Yes, our THC Seltzers produce psychoactive effects similar to traditional cannabis products. The in...
plants, which is more pronounced in catchments where agriculture depends heavily on precipitation84,90. The lack of correlation between CL% and the AR-Q relationship in GB can be attributed to the relatively humid climate, where aridity is less of a limiting factor for streamflow than the US...
In addition, wastewater analysis can help evaluate drug policies, for example if measures are taken to discourage use and limit trafficking, or instead regulate trade as envisaged for cannabis in the ‘Experiment gesloten coffeeshopketen’. As part of this experiment, ten Dutch municipalities control...
Find the right water soluble fertilizer program for… Bedding Plants Cannabis Cannabis – Retail Garden Mum Hydrangea Orchid Pansy Poinsettia Fertilizer Supplier Near Me Looking for a fertilizer supplier near you? Need information about cannabis fertilizer best practices? All that and more can be found...
There are two types of water for the cannabis plant: hard and soft water. Hard waterhas a high amount of dissolved minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, or lime. Sadly, plants can suffer from absorbing too many nutrients, which may impede their growth and overall health. ...
We all know that without water, we wouldn’t have food to sustain life. In agriculture, water is used to grow fruits, vegetables, cotton, tobacco, cannabis, and many other plant-based products. Learn More A reliable source of high purity water designed specifically for your needs. ...