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Due to its capacity to filter out impurities, alginate, a naturally occurring carbohydrate polymer, has been used to remove colours from waste water. Alginate is derived from many kinds of Brown algae. An essential property of alginate is the capacity to produce hydrogels. Aqueous alginate is eas...
RECLAMATION OF IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE THROUGH TILE DRAINAGE AT FOURTH DRAINAGE PROJECT, FAISALABAD The model predicted that the watertable in the Subdivision would go down to 6.78 meters from 5.78 meters, thus, falling by one meter from the current level. Net gains from conjunctive use of surface ...
Membrane Filter Replacement System for Portable South Kalimantan Peat Water Treatment Solar-Powered Using Fuzzy Inference System Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Method Dodon Turianto Nugrahadi, Totok Wianto, Muhammad Fajar Alwahdy, Radityo Adi Nugroho, Andi Farmadi, Sri Cahyo Wahyono, Mohammad Reza Faisal, Irwan...
water was sampled at surface level by bending over the sampling bottles against the top most water current and allowing the water passage unperturbed into the bottle mouth until the bottle is filled up. The fetched samples were filtered with a Whatman filter alongside a 45 micro-meter fibre glas...
Mentioned in ? acrylamide activated-sludge process advanced sewage treatment Aerofilter Archaebacteria Automation of Production biochemical oxygen demand Biological Sewage Treatment BOD Chicago detritus tank digestion Dorr, John Van Nostrand Engineering Facilities of Buildings and Populated Areas ferrous chloride...
Similarly, TDS and TSS were analysed by the gravimetric method by using evaporating dishes and Whatman filter paper no. 1 having pore size 11 µm. The COD test and BOD5 were analysed by modified Winkler’s method in 300-mL BOD bottles. Statistical analysis In order to identify the ...
2.3. Water Quality and Contamination Issues Faisalabad faces enduring water quality issues. The groundwater in the majority of the areas of Faisalabad is contaminated and is not suitable for drinking. Diseases like diarrhea, dehydration, hepatitis, nausea, food poisoning, and other water borne ...
Leaf sample of 0.5 g was cut into small pieces and homogenized by adding 80% acetone (v/v). The extract was transferred to a 15 mL tube [48]. Test tubes were placed in the dark to avoid light for 24 h and filtered through filter paper. The absorbance was determined at 663 nm for...
In brief, a bacterial suspension of 100 μL was spread uniformly on the surface of a nutrient agar plates. Then, filter paper disks (about 6 mm in diameter) impregnated with stabilized AgNPs were placed on the agar surface. The incubation of plates was conducted at 37 °C for 24 h ...