Our Total Body Water calculator uses two equations to estimate the volume of water in your body. Those equations are: Watson Formula: Male TBW= 2.447 – (0.09156 x age) + (0.1074 x height) + (0.3362 x weight) Female TBW= -2.097 + (0.1069 x height) + (0.2466 x weight) ...
Some of the fasting growing areas of the world; including in the United States, are in areas with little to no extra water (i.e. Las Vegas, Phoenix, southern Florida, etc.). These areas are dealing with the short term problem by moving water, in some cases hundreds of miles, and by...
Other interesting topics explored in the book: Developing Water Consciousness – Eight Building Principles by Tony Clarke and Fourteen Actions You Can Take To Protect Our Water. The book also includes a hardcopy of the Water Use calculator published bywww.H2oConserve.organd is wonderfully indexed, ...
Use a conversion calculator. Do you even know what a quart is? Reply CourtMc2 on May 16th, 2021 - 11:38am Just tried this cleans for the first time. Drank the entire liter and almost immediately felt something brewing…ran to the bathroom, sat down and grabbed the garbage can to vo...