Gouretski V, Reseghetti F (2010) On depth and temperature biases in bathythermograph data: development of a new correction scheme based on analysis of a global ocean database. Deep Sea Res Part I 57:812–833. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2010.03.011 Article Google Scholar Gregory JM...
After being autoclaved, the substrates were cooled to room temperature for a few hours. Then, five fungal discs (4 mm diameter) were added into three of the water hyacinth beakers and three of the water lettuce beakers using a cork borer and these were labeled 5WH and 5WL, respectively....
methods are acceptable, it is important to confirm the normal experimental set-ups, such as the room temperature, bulk water temperature, and humidity, in order to ensure the accuracy of studies. The deployment of large-scale desalination and purification technologies with a very low cost of ...
Each graph considers all the schools together. Dots represent point estimates of the GAM, and error bars illustrate their 95% CIs. The y-axis label indicates ‘school name (sample size for period 1, sample size for period 2)’ for each school, school types and all schools, with ...
Required flow and temperature conditions for SLFSF (including the olive perchlet, purple spotted gudgeon and eastern rainbowfish) spawning and recruitment were identified. This was used in ecological models to evaluate the risk from water resource development. Read more about this in the Minister's...
(such as Tombwa), where crop farming is not viable, do not show any signals of a shift away from mobile pastoralism. Especially in Camucuio, a less arid municipality, this trend is most likely driven by agricultural development policies rather than SWI expansion, although increased water ...
Moreover, in our thermoporometry analysis with differential scanning calorimeter, freezing temperature is extended to −70 °C, allowing pores smaller than a few nanometers to be measured. Nevertheless, several data corrections are required for accurate thermoporometry at this condition. Comparisons ...
According to the graph of the interaction between two energy and pressure functions, with the increase in pumping costs, the pressure level in the network increased, which was an obvious issue. In multi-objective optimization problems, none of the solutions on the Pareto front is preferable to ...
In recent decades, a key focus of water supply planning and management has been the expansion of water supply infrastructures to increase access to water, which has been recognized as a human right by the UN General Assembly [1]. Concurrently, the monitoring of the access-related targets of ...
Water is one of the few known substances whose solid form is less dense than the liquid. The plot at the right shows how the volume of water varies with the temperature; the large increase (about 9%) on freezing shows why ice floats on water and why pipes burst when they freeze. The...