Drift Rate% Concentrations Water Usage Evaporationgpmm3/h 漂移gpmm3/h Blow downgpmm3/h Total Usagegpmm3/h Generate Curves* *Please note that any pop up blockers your browser may employ will interfere with the ability to “Generate Curves”. For assistance in disabling a blocker,click here....
Drift Rate % Concentrations Water Usage Evaporation gpm m3/h Drift gpm m3/h Blow down gpm m3/h Total Usage gpm m3/h Generate Curves* IP Units SI Units * Please note that any pop up blockers your browser may employ will interfere with the ability to “Generate Curves”. For assistan...
Online calculator, figures and tables with water saturation (vapor) pressure at temperatures ranging 0 to 370 °C (32 to 700°F) - in Imperial and SI Units.
For device operating within the demonstrated performance range, we find hearing aid at 100 μW, RFID tag at 10 mW, electronic watch calculator at 1 μW and quartz oscillator at 100 nW. It should also be noted that low-power electronic devices can remain in standby while consuming as little...
The calculator below can be used to calculate the liquid water density at given temperatures. The output density is given as g/cm3, kg/m3, lb/ft3, lb/gal(US liq) and sl/ft3. Note!Temperature must be within the ranges 0-370 °C, 32-700 °F, 273-645 K and 492-1160 °R to get...
and the simple connections of several units in series and/or parallel can easily power a commercial calculator, electrolyze methylene blue solution, and light up light emitting diodes, which well proves the conception of combining solar water evaporation and electricity generation in an integrated dev...
What is Evaporation Cooled Chillers? Contact Us Chiller Size Calculator LPM GPM Flow Rate (LPM: Liters Per Maxinute)* 1 m³=264.17 Gallon=1000 Litre Incoming Water Temperature (Celsius):* Max: 40℃ Chilled Water Temperature (Celsius):* ...
What is Evaporation Cooled Chillers? Contact Us Chiller Size Calculator LPM GPM Flow Rate (LPM: Liters Per Maxinute)* 1 m³=264.17 Gallon=1000 Litre Incoming Water Temperature (Celsius):* Max: 40℃ Chilled Water Temperature (Celsius):* Min: 5℃, lower than this, please email...
Drift Rate% Concentrations Water Usage Evaporationgpmm3/h Driftgpmm3/h Blow downgpmm3/h Total Usagegpmm3/h Generate Curves* *Please note that any pop up blockers your browser may employ will interfere with the ability to “Generate Curves”. For assistance in disabling a blocker,click here....
Thermal diffusivityis therate of transfer of heat of a material from the hot side to the cold side- a measure of how quickly a material can absorb heat from its surroundings. It can be calculated by taking the thermal conductivity divided by density and specific heat capacity at constant pres...