The urban water distribution system in the Kalabuaragi Municipal Corporation was considered in this study. It was revealed that an unbalanced urban water supply is in practice in the city. Only 56% of the urban households area have access to a treated water supply available within the premises...
Distribution of uranium contamination in weathered fractured saprolite/shale and ground water. The objective of this study was to determine how structure, stratigraphy, and weathering influence fate and transport of contaminants (particularly U) in t... DH Phillips,DB Watson,Y Roh,... - 《Journal...
of a certain level year in the region; βti,βta,βts,βtl,βte are the water distribution coefficients of industrial, agricultural, tertiary, domestic and environmental water distribution schemes, respectively; and 0 ≤ βti,βta,βts,βtl,βte ≤ 1,the sum of them is 1. ...
4775 Accesses 1 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract This study evaluated the water resource utilization efficiency and resource consumption for planting, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery in various regions of China. Using the super-efficiency Slacks-Based Measure (SBM) analysis method, the main ...
Study on the Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment in Sanjiang Plain in Northeast China Groundwater vulnerably contaminated area is delineated based on the groundwater vulnerability spatial distribution of Sanjiang Plain. Reasonable land use plan ... Y Tang,W. Tang,C Liu - AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts...
(PAHs) in overlying water have been reported for this area.It will have great significance to understand the distribution,source and ecological risk of PAHs in overlying water for the management of the water environment and the protection of aquatic life in the Yellow River Delta.In this study,...
3.2.1. Analysis of Soil Pore Structure FromFigure 7andFigure 8, it can be seen that as the particle size of the soil aggregates increases, the number of large pores gradually increases. As shown inFigure 8a,e, the <2 mm treatment has more small pores with dense distribution, while the...
The Water Network Tool for Resilience (WNTR) is a Python package designed to simulate and analyze resilience of water distribution networks. The software includes capability to: Generate water network models Modify network structure and operations ...
Distribution of ~(222)Rn in groundwater and estimation of resulting radiation dose to different age groups: A case study from Bangalore City 来自 国家科技图书文献中心 喜欢 0 阅读量: 30 作者:Ravikumar,P.,Somashekar,R.,K. 摘要: Ingesting waters holding high levels of natural oc 关键词:...
表1.研究区地热点出露概况 Table 1.General situation of geothermal waters in the study area | Show Table DownLoad:CSV 2. 样品采集与测试 2021年5月对区内温泉及三个钻孔热水进行了采样,此外,还采集了一组茅口组的岩溶地下冷水样品(DL01)。本次样品的采样位置如图1所示。取样前对取样瓶先用蒸馏水润洗,...