The first, and rather well known, is the story of groundwater overexploitation and its consequences. This is broadly the situation in states like Punjab, Haryana, and western Uttar Pradesh. These states have a number of things in common. They receive low to medium rainfall, averaging from 200...
Although the food, water, and energy sectors are inherently interconnected, the connection in terms of policy and implementation is weak. Development of policies and approaches without regard for cross-sectoral consequences, and poor sectoral coordination and institutional fragmentation, have triggered an ...
tender for shahpur tega estimate for providing fhtc and pipe line under jjm providing and fixing of function house hold tap connection fhtc laying of distribution of 4 id di pipeline for improvement of water supply in village shahpur tega and all other w
This will help policymakers and planners to develop appropriate policies in coastal regions to adapt to and reduce the effects of global warming in connection to a water level reduction upstream. In particular, the local government can apply the results to transform land use to mitigate the ...
tender for construction of 1 no pump chamber of size 10x12 construction of boundary wall 60 mtr laying of 100mm i d di water supply pipe line including di ci specials and functional house hold tap connection in village panchayat kurali distt faridabad