During pregnancy, your baby is surrounded by the amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac, which cushions and protects them. Amniotic fluid also helps your baby’s lungs and digestive system develop, while keeping the surrounding temperature steady. During the second half of pregnancy, your baby’s uri...
Your water may break either before or duringlabor, or a medical professional may break it during induction or delivery. What causes early water breaking? If your water breaks before week 37 of pregnancy, it is called preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (preterm PROM). Risk factors for water...
even up to the night beforein some cases.) As I came home and started getting ready for church, I noticed a growing pain in my lower back. With my last pregnancy, I began having round ligament pain, so I assumed that was what it was and went on ...
vaginal discharge, or mucus (which are all not-so-glamorous side effects of pregnancy!). One way to tell is tostand up. If the flow of liquid increases when you stand, it's probably your water breaking.
As always, I spent the last month of my pregnancy assuring people that “No, it isn’t twins. Yes, we’re sure. No, really. It’s impossible.” Those last thirty days were long and painful. I don’t know that I’ve ever had so many looks of sympathy from friends and strangers ...
The chorioamnion (or membrane) is a physical barrier to bacterial invasion during pregnancy, so when the water or membranes break, this means the birthing person is at higher risk for infection. Chorioamnionitis means inflammation of the membranes due to infection. In the Term PROM study, the...
water also helps relieve constipation, improves intestinal function and promotes digestive health. It is often recommended to people suffering from acidity and ulcers. Constipation, sluggish digestion and heartburn are common problems during pregnancy and can be helped to some extent bydrinking coconut ...
Red raspberry leaf tea.Some people think this herbal tea helps bring on spontaneous labor. The verdict is still out, but the tea is chock full of iron and calcium, which can be healthy for you and your baby. Studies show it’s safe to drink during pregnancy. ...
water to break, me to be on two weeks of bedrest, and then to hear the rather unbelievable words that my amniotic sac had resealed. I can’t even type these words out without crying. There are so many things that God did during this time in my life. Here are a few of my ...
Management of urinary calculi in pregnancy - ScienceDirect During the twenty-seven-month period ending April 1, 1982, 9 patients presented to the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center for evaluation and management of ur... Joseph R. Drago M.D.,Thomas J. Rohner Jr. M.D.,Ronald A. Chez M.D...