LSTM-based LUBE was found to be superior to FFNN-based LUBE, providing an average 25% lower coverage width criterion (CWC). PIs estimated for piezometers with high transmissivity resulted in 50% lower CWC than PIs estimated for piezometers in areas with lower transmissivity....
In the particular case of composites based on NR and natural fibers, the latter are mostly responsible for water absorption because the rubber matrix is hydrophobic, having a reduced absorbing potential (the water uptake at time t, Qt < 0.1%) due to the weak presence of proteins. The water...
Similarly, all other joints ranges are based on close similarity with joint ranges of the soldier crab by taking into consideration the allowable movements of the links. All links' lengths are adjusted such that the leg provides optimum ground clearance, a significant distance per step, and ...
Figure 3. Builduupp ooffhhoonneeyyccoommbbpplalannesesfrformombubluklkwwatearte(rto(pto,pb,lubelu).eH).yHdyrodprohpilihcilsiucrsfuacrefancuecnleuactleesatEeZs EgrZowgrtohw, wthh, iwchhipcrhogpreosgsreesslsaeyselraybeyrlbayelra.yer. TThhiiss ssttrruuccttuurree ggiivveess rriissee ttoo...
These are divided based on age: Tertiary rocks with poor transmissive properties and Pliocene to Holocene deposits yield a significant amount of water. For this study, we focus on the upper ~300 m of the younger water-bearing sediments where most of the production wells in the study area are...
The e(q1u) ation used is shown below: where NIR is the near infrared chanNneDl aVndImBordef=ers (NIR (toNtIhRe − B) b+luBe)channel. (1) In possession of all the proposed data (NDVImod image, spectral data and concentration of wherechNloIrRopishythll-eanienarthine frsaamrepdlicnhg...
(C2hl1-ad) ifferent methods to determine Chl-a values from MSI data with in-situ Chl-a valuesWaendcom16padrieffde2r1endtifmfereetnhtomdesthfoodr sOtoLdCeIte(rTmabinlee C1h).l-aWvealuseesarfcrohmedMfSoIrdtahtae wbeitshtinfi-tssitbuyChsol-rating our davtaalubeys laankde1s,6idni-fs...
These average conventional establishments are based on the calculations of energy and water needs; the different fuels and models were converted to the same unit of measurement. It allows for comparison between the generating models, the water in cubic meters (m3) and the energy at kWh, ...
As a result, we performed smoothing filter-based intensity modulation method of pan-sharpening to enhance the spatial resolution of 30 m to 15 m. In calculating the vegetation indices, we used the enhanced MS images and resampled the NIR to 15 m. Finally, we evaluated these indices with ...
Based on the categorization and characteristic analysis of household water, this paper used Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to establish a level and grade theory of household water demand, whereby household water is classified into three levels (rigid water demand, flexible water demand, and luxury ...