The Water Availability Modeling (WAM) System created and maintained by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and its partner agencies and contractors consists of the generalized Water Rights Analysis Package (WRAP) developed at Texas A & M University, which may be applied anywhere in...
In this study we used the Noah land surface model to model water availability in the Rio Grande basin - a transboundary basin shared between three states in the US and straddles the state of Texas and Mexico. It was found that El Ninos (La Ninas) generally cause an increase (decrease) ...
WATERAVAILABILITYMODELING forthe SULPHURRIVERBASIN TexasNaturalResourceConservationCommission Austin,Texas REQUIREMENTSFORGRANTING WATERRIGHTSPERMITS TEXASWATERCODE§11.134 …(b)Thecommissionshallgranttheapplicationonlyif: (1)theapplicationconformstotherequirementsprescribed bythischapterandisaccompaniedbytheprescribedfee;...
Muller DA, Price RD (1979) Groundwater availability in Texas. In: Estimates and projections through 2030: Texas Department of Water Resources Report 238 Naughton O, Mccormack T, Gill L, Johnston P (2018) Groundwater flood hazards and mechanisms in lowland karst terrains. Geol Soc Lond Spec ...
Water Water Quality in the Queen City Aquifer, East Quality in the Queen City Aquifer, East Texas. Texas. Eric Brown. 11/ 96 Eric Brown. 11/ 96 Hydr ol ogy At l as No. 6 Hydr ol ogy At l as No. 6 Ground Ground- -Water Resources of the Water Resources of the Corrizo Corrizo...
Through an initiative by the Texas Water Development Board, Groundwater Availability Models (GAM) are being developed for the major aquifers of Texas to provide reliable information on groundwater availability in the state over a 50-year planning horizon. GAMs are being developed for the entire ...
R. The use of groundwater availability models in Texas in the establishment of desired future conditions. GSA Annual Meeting 2010 (Geological Society of America, 2010). Google Scholar Theesfeld, I. Institutional challenges for national groundwater governance: Policies and issues. Ground Wat. 48,...
The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, its partner agencies, and contractors are conducting a statewide Water Availability Modeling (WAM) Project pursuant to Senate Bill 1 enacted by the Texas Legislature in 1997. The Water Rights Analysis Package (WRAP) is the river basin water managemen...
Water use in younger (2008–mid-2011) plays, although less (6.5 Mm3 Texas-Haynesville, 18 Mm3 Eagle Ford), is increasing rapidly. Water use for shale gas is <1% of statewide water withdrawals; however, local impacts vary with water availability and competin... 展开 关键词:...
Texas Department of Water Resources Report 276Occurrence, Availability and Quality of Ground Water in Travis County - Brune, Duffin - 1983Brune, G., and Duffin, G.L., 1983, Occurrence, availability, and quality of groundwater in Travis County, Texas: Texas Department of Water Resources Report...