The article focuses on the proposals for more than $4.5 billion in capital improvement projects through the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department are sent to state planners in Florida. The bill exceeds the total cost expected for the region in building alternative water supplies. It could be ...
Pay:County of Chester (PA) < 0.5 % 23storePay:County of Henrico - Utilities (VA) < 0.5 % 23storePay:County of Miami-Dade - Water & Sewer (FL) < 0.5 % 176 total Water & Sewer companies in Sussex County, Delaware person close...
The first question I asked Kevin Lynskey, director of Miami Dade’s Department of Water and Sewer, came with a caveat he’d heard before—namely that we were going to be talking a lot about poop in the next hour, which generally made people a little uncomfortable. Well, “uncomfortable” ...
has assigned lower grade to outstanding water and sewer revenue bonds of two billion U.S. dollars of Miami-Dade County, Florida. According to analyst of the firm Kathy Masterson, financial margins of ...
When that F3 tornado tore through Owensboro KY in 2000, taking out 110 structures, it passed very close to all of us here at the station. So we didn't get to see what folks out in Utica who got pictures of it saw, which is a pretty typical and terrifying tornado. ...
And if you're wondering why I'm referring to this as a "river tornado"--my term--and not a waterspout, it's because, 1) it happened over a river and, 2) waterspouts occur over open water, are COMPOSED of water, and can run the gamut from completely harmless to "we need to ...
Managers, who are able to perceive trends and weak signals where others see only noise and chaos, can capitalize on the rapid change in our society. Even though everyone knows that we are living in a world of rapid, accelerating change, too many organizations are planning for a future of ...
Managers, who are able to perceive trends and weak signals where others see only noise and chaos, can capitalize on the rapid change in our society. Even though everyone knows that we are living in a world of rapid, accelerating change, too many organizations are planning for a future of ...
Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department 54-Inch Diameter Red Road PCCP Transmission Main Pipe Deterioration Model Used to Assist Capital Planning1. WASD has a critical pipeline that runs along a busy road 2. The road is being widened and the opportunity exists to replace the pipeline now 3. A...
Miami Dade Water and Sewer Department MDWASD is the sixth largest public utility in the United States, providing direct service to over 365,000 retail customers. Wholesale water service is provided to fourteen (14) municipalities and wholesale sewer service is provided to twelve (12) of the ...