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Uthman Sabe was a household name in Eritrea in the ‘70s and ‘80s and his legacy remains to be one of the most profound and enduring. Sabe has left indelible mark on the contemporary Eritrean history. No book on Eritrean struggle from the ‘60s onward can be complete without the mention...
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Lundon Calling as Isle of Man Are Vanquished; Waterloo Dock Player Stars FovictoryRead the full-text online article and more details about Lundon Calling as Isle of Man Are Vanquished; Waterloo Dock Player Stars Fovictory.Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England)...
Water Pollution and ManWater pollution affects man's health, recreational use of water and sense of beauty.The spread of water-carried disease is of great concern. In highly developed countries inparticular emphasis has changed from concern over bacterial disease to concern over water-carriedviral(...