WifiWatchdogPingDelayMs WifiWatchdogPingTimeoutMs WifiWatchdogWatchList 屬性 方法 Settings.SettingNotFoundException Settings.System SettingsSlicesContract ShortcutSupport SimAccountType SimElementaryFileType SimPhonebookContract SimPhonebookContract.ElementaryFiles SimPhonebookContract.SimRecords SipAddressDataKind Sms...
After performing the action, the script waits for the specified time (timeoutAfterWatchdogAction) and then, according to the value offirstLivingPulse, it either activates again (firstLivingPulse = 0) or waits until a reply to a ping request is received from a...
Ethernet ping watchdog.A client computer system and a method of using Ping as a watchdog to reset a device. The computer system includes a printed circuit board, a software ping watchdog, and logic configured to drive the relay to change the power input to the controlled device. The printe...
WifiWatchdogPingDelayMs WifiWatchdogPingTimeoutMs WifiWatchdogWatchList Properties Methods Settings.SettingNotFoundException Settings.System SettingsSlicesContract ShortcutSupport SimAccountType SimElementaryFileType SimPhonebookContract SimPhonebookContract.ElementaryFiles SimPhonebookContract.SimRecords SipAddressD...
[Android.Runtime.Register("WIFI_WATCHDOG_INITIAL_IGNORED_PING_COUNT")] [System.Obsolete("deprecated")] public const string WifiWatchdogInitialIgnoredPingCount; Field Value String Attributes RegisterAttribute ObsoleteAttribute Remarks This member is deprecated. Use android.provider.Settings.Secure#WI...
关闭IPv6后编译openwrt 15.05.01,运行时发现ssr-watchdog脚本不断报错: 2017-05-23 02:30:53] Backup server is running. ping: bad address '-c' sh: bad number [2017-05-23 02:30:53] Main server down,% packet loss. [2017-05-23 02:30:53] No problem. [2017-05-23
WifiWatchdogPingCount WifiWatchdogPingDelayMs WifiWatchdogPingTimeoutMs WindowAnimationScale Properties Methods SettingsSlicesContract ShortcutSupport SimAccountType SimElementaryFileType SimPhonebookContract SimPhonebookContract.ElementaryFiles SimPhonebookContract.SimRecords SipAddressDataKind SmsIntentResult SmsMes...
A client computer system and a method of using Ping as a watchdog to reset a device. The computer system includes a printed circuit board, a software ping watchdog, and logic configured to drive the relay to change the power input to the controlled device. The printed circuit board ...
Does anyone know if there is a way to enable or implement a watchdog (ie ping) mechanism in the SPA 112/122 line of products ? Essentially, I would like to trigger an ATA reboot after X minutes if the connection to the ISP goes bad. Under certain unknown conditions, the ATA doesn't...
X_LINK_ERROR[0m [35mE: [watchdog] [ 0] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR[0m [35mE: [watchdog] [ 0] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ping message: X_LINK_ERROR[0m [35mE: [watchdog] [ 0] sendPingMessage:164 Failed send ...