This example program shows you how to use the watchdog timer on the C16x family. To enable the watchdog timer, the startup code must be modified. By default, the startup code disables the watchdog timer so that users new to the C16x aren't required to handle watchdog resets. To ena...
watchdog timer raza Level 4 hey i want this the LED will blink 5 times, the microcontroller will enter an infinite loop, and it will reset after 1 minute due to the Watchdog Timer. and after this reset mcu again program start but in this program when my system is hang this code...
By default, the watchdog timer is enabled and starts counting up from 0000h immediately after reset. To service the watchdog timer, your program must execute the SRVWDT instruction. In C, include the intrins.h header file and use the intrinsic function _srvwdt_. For example: ...
project-creator-cli --board-id PMG1-CY7110 --app-id mtb-example-pmg1-watchdog-timer --user-app-name MyWatchdogtimer --target-dir "C:/mtb_projects" The 'project-creator-cli' tool has the following arguments: ArgumentDescriptionRequired/optional --board-id Defined in the field of the ...
For example, in the watchdog timer 173, each frequency abnormality detection unit 173a to 173c is switched according to the state of the system. Specifically, when the system is in the first state, the first frequency abnormality detection unit 173a has priority, and when the system is in...
Re: The watchdog timer is malfunctioning in cyfx3s... Options The watchdog timer is malfunctioning in cyfx3s_msc application after updating the SDK from version 1.3.4 to 1.3.5 Level 1 ethanliu Level 1 Dear Infineon's Engineers, My device firmware ...
This example uses a watchdog timer in interrupt and the reset modes. In the interrupt mode, the blue user LED toggles every second. When configured in the reset mode, the blue LED blinks thrice every 4.915 seconds with an interval of 500 milliseconds due
Hi, Facing a problem that i really need some help with. What i need is that whenever the watchdog timer gives an interrupt i want to start execution again in
In this article Test details Additional documentation Troubleshooting This Watchdog test determines if there is a hardware watchdog andoptionally causes system reset via the hardware watchdog timer. Test details Expand table Specifications System.Fundamentals.WatchDogTimer.IfWatchDogTimerImplemented ...
Writing to this register will reload the software watchdog timer with the value specified in this register. If the software watchdog timer expires the first time, the expired event will set the SFTMR0_STS and the timer will reload its initial value and count again. If the timer expire the...