esp_task_wdt_init(WDT_TIMEOUT, true); //enable panic so ESP32 restarts esp_task_wdt_add(NULL); //add current thread to WDT watch The new code I am using is: Code: Select all #define WDT_TIMEOUT 10 // ESP32 Watchdog timer - Note: esp32 board manager v3.x.x requires differe...
I would love to see a decoded backtrace for this, I wonder where its failing Also try using wm.setConnectTimeout to override the esp connectiontimer tablatronixaddedNeeds Feeback📶 WiFilabelsMay 12, 2023 Author chriskinalcommentedMay 12, 2023 CPU = ESP32-WROOM-32 Freq = 240MHz Erase flas...
Re: Task Watchdog Triggered in ESP32 Application Using u8g2 Library PostbyMicroController»Sun Nov 05, 2023 3:27 pm williankleberwrote:↑ Fri Nov 03, 2023 6:27 pm I don't recall activating the Task Watchdog Timer (WDT) at any point in my application, so I'm wondering if the u8g...
ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Failed to initialize SPI Flash: %s (0x%x)",esp_err_to_name(err),err); returnNULL; } // Print out the ID and size uint32_tid; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_flash_read_id(ext_flash,&id)); ESP_LOGI(TAG,"Initialized SPI Flash, size=%"PRIu32" KB, ID=0x%"PRIx32,ext_flash...
The nvs_set_blob operation is probably taking too much time, thus triggering the watchdog since it "thinks" the esp is stuck. Please provide: 1. A snippet of the code block where you see the error occuring. 2. A log file with log level set to debug or verbose mode. ...
E (36339) task_wdt: CPU 0: esp_timer E (36339) task_wdt: Print CPU 0 (current core) backtrace Backtrace:0x400C98A7:0x3FFCA200 0x4002671E:0x3FFCA220 0x40114D3C:0x3FF9F7C0 0x400E7B21:0x3FF9F7E0 0x400E7D8B:0x3FF9F800 0x400E8676:0x3FF9F880 0x400E9FEE:0x3FF9F8B0 0x400EA0BA:...
ESP-IDF creats a watchdog timer for idle tasks in addition to any tasks doing your work. IE, it creates two extra tasks IDLE0 & IDLE 1 (one for each core), whose sole purpose is to do nothing, ie idle. These idle tasks simply feed the watchdog whenever its respective core is idli...
Watchdog timers are often used to trigger recovery of failed processes. But to this end the watchdog itself must be fail-safe. This work maximizes watchdog timer availability by a smart technology combination: replicated watchdogs, only one active at a time; hidden watchdogs, inside carrier pr...
WiFiClient::connect() triggers Watchdog timer exception #95958 By PreyMa - Sun Feb 05, 2023 2:42 pm Hello,I am new to this forum and I am currently struggling with an issue regarding my ESP8266 software project. I am not sure if this is due to me misusing the Arduino libraries ...
I have a board with an ESP32 and an STWD100 watchdog timer chip. The WDT is connected to the ESP EN pin through a jumper, which was included to make debugging easier. The WTD's EN pin is not used, as connecting it to the ESP32 could defeat its purpose. The timeout on the WDT...