“After covering up The Iran-Contra Scandal and The BCCI Scandal, we also see Trump’s Attorney General, William Barr, at work again covering up The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal by allowing Jeffrey Epstein to be suicided in his cell after all the video cameras magically failed.” “You know a ...
I would like to see the footage of the hidden cameras inside Mar Lago. There are no doubts that Trump has the entire place under surveillance with real time cloud connections. He was watching them search. He might have been setting them up. Reply Russ McMeans 08/10/2022 • You are...
To use: Inhale the scent of peppermint directly for a boost of energy and clarity, or put a few drops in your favorite diffuser to inhale the vapors throughout your day. Internally, add one drop to a large glass of water (yes, a little goes a long way!) and drink. 2. Get Rid of...
“The American public is always going to side with the underdog and is not going to side with anyone taking up arms,” he said. “I think Americans should protest the refugee resettlement program, but I don’t think they should take guns. Americans are the innocent defenders here trying t...
William Hague (then Leader) was doing a major “Stronger Families for Everyone” policy launch ***with the whole Shadow Cabinet in attendance*** and my friend needed someone to carry a couple of recyclable 35mm cameras and use them all up taking wide shots at 90 degrees perpendicular to ...
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com Renowned trends researcher and publisher of “The Trends Journal,” Gerald Celente, has long said “when all else fails, they take you to war.” To say our world is failing is a profound understatement. Celente proclaims
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (WNW 430 5.8.2020) General Michael Flynn is a free man after the DOJ dropped all charges against President Trump’s former National Security Advisor. New documents released recently showed a conspiracy to frame the 33 ye
And money will, in a way, very soon be the biggest issue as when our entire economy is nuked into the ozone, the feudalists cartels will use it to control everything we can buy and sell, monitor us with millions of cameras using AI technology, control our food supply and it’ll make...
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (WNW 447 9.4.2020) Dr. Paul Craig Roberts said it best this past week on USAWatchdog.com. Dr. Roberts said, “You have to assume the Democrats believe they have already lost, and so they will figure out how to steal it.
USAWD’s, make sure you have visible ‘No trespassing’ signs on your property and cameras in place. Call police if they come onto your property and ignore your posted signs. This is a crime and is called criminal trespass, and yes, they can and will be arrested for it, if they ignor...