Playing videos on your Apple Watch, backed by its tiny battery, is sure to take a toll on it. But when you turn your wrist, the watch screen goes black, but the video’s audio inside WatchTube keeps playing. As a result, this is somewhat similar to streaming a song or podcast on y...
Video: Watch Youtube Videos on Apple Watch Watch YouTube Videos through WatchTube On the Apple Watch, you can play songs through YouTube Music but not videos. Moreover, Safari isn’t supported on the Apple Watch either. The only option you’re left with is to watch YouTube videos through...
While Apple Watch packs a lot of features to help users make the most out of it even without having a phone nearby, watching YouTube videos is not one of them. Well, not anymore. An independent app developer has created an app called WatchTube that lets you watch YouTube videos right f...
WatchTube isn't quite the ideal viewing experience, but it's a cool idea. By David Price Editor, Macworld JUN 22, 2022 5:52 am PDT Image: Jason Cross / Foundry It’s probably never occurred to you to watch videos on your Apple Watch’s tiny screen. Other than the occasional text...
所以单单是这两点致命伤,其实就证明这功能只适合用来尝鲜,相信这股热度过后,就没有多少人会用Apple Watch看视频了。不过说句老实话,WatchTube这个应用本身还是做得非常不错的。界面主要分成四个不同的部分,主页、搜索、资料库和设置,就像官方YouTube应用一样,主页显示平台上正在流行的视频,很符合直觉。想看...
Watch Tube应用不需要任何复杂的设置,甚至不需要从iPhone上进行设置。用户可以直接从watchOS应用商店下载Watch Tube并使用它。一旦该应用安装在Apple Watch上,只需打开它,就可以观看YouTube视频。虽然YouTube很复杂,但这款手表应用的界面看起来出乎意料的不错。用户将在该应用中找到四个不同的部分。主页、搜索、资料...
YouTube has an enormous collection of videos that can entertain, educate and inform. A growing amount of content on the Internet can be found in video form, so you might wonder how to watchYouTube videos on your iPhone. There are a couple of different options when it comes to viewing vid...
如果想在iPhone或iPad上看在手表上的视频库内容,要通过应用提供的二维码,稍微显得有些复杂。 据悉以后WatchTube还会增加纯音频模式,可以直接后台听YouTube歌曲,不必一直打开Apple Watch显示屏。 所以如果大家想尝尝鲜的话,是挺推荐的,它支持运行WatchOS 6或更高版本的苹果Apple Watch,在自带的商店上就能下载。
所以单单是这两点致命伤,其实就证明这功能只适合用来尝鲜,相信这股热度过后,就没有多少人会用Apple Watch看视频了。 不过说句老实话,WatchTube这个应用本身还是做得非常不错的。界面主要分成四个不同的部分,主页、搜索、资料库和设置,就像官方YouTube应用一样,主页显示平台上正在流行的视频,很符合直觉。
WatchTube是一个新的应用程序,顾名思义,它可以让你在Apple Watch上观看任何YouTube视频。最重要的是,它能如期运行。 该应用不需要任何复杂的设置,甚至不需要从你的iPhone上进行设置。用户可以直接从watchOS应用商店下载WatchTube并使用它。一旦该应用安装在你的手表上,只需打开它,你就可以观看YouTube视频。