The album's title track, "Maggot Brain," is regarded as one of the greatest guitar solos in music history. It's a song purely played from the heart and where fancy techniques give way to what only passion can bring to music. The story behind the song is almost as famous as the song...
it's a great question. if i pick up this 5-string guitar here, this is in the key of d. [guitar music] so certain chords when you're in d, they sound nice. or you could say they sound constant in d because [guitar notes resonate] they have common notes. so for example, the ...
(jangling guitar) the turning point for me, i remember, was the evening before we recorded our demo, which actually became our first ep. neil started playing, like, a couple of chords which became avalyn and, uh, nick came up with this bass line and yeah, i think i just put the ...
Collectively, Pearce’s 15-song offering seamlessly blends contemporary and neo-traditional country elements and stays true to the genre’s Harlan Howard-coined definition of “three chords and the truth.” Her eminent storytelling prowess chronicles the remarkable growth Pearce has made as a vulnerabl...
Lil Durkhas had a long, storied career, where he fought hard for every win. In his current stretch, everything is clicking and hishis7220album, released in March, feels like a crash course in what happens when you stick to the plan. All of the songs fit together so well, from "Shoot...
Lil Durkhas had a long, storied career, where he fought hard for every win. In his current stretch, everything is clicking and hishis7220album, released in March, feels like a crash course in what happens when you stick to the plan. All of the songs fit together so well, from "Shoot...
Lil Durkhas had a long, storied career, where he fought hard for every win. In his current stretch, everything is clicking and hishis7220album, released in March, feels like a crash course in what happens when you stick to the plan. All of the songs fit together so well, from "Shoot...
it still obviously sounds like Tesla and it’s a big hard-rock guitar madness sort of extravaganza. But song structure-wise, and just the strength of the melodies and the strength of the riffs and the chords and everything working together, you need that to be great from the get-go befo...
挖金礦裡現在學習彈吉他的人比較多,我個人覺得,還是要嚴謹一點才是。這樣大家就可以跟著華健大哥的指法學習彈吉他了,而不至於被誤導,哈哈哈。 順便說一句閒話,華健大哥,您彈《This Old Guitar》裡的F chord 的時候,開始的時候,您是用左手大拇指按住第一品、第六弦,食指按住第一品、第一、二弦;後來您就改為...
Lil Durkhas had a long, storied career, where he fought hard for every win. In his current stretch, everything is clicking and hishis7220album, released in March, feels like a crash course in what happens when you stick to the plan. All of the songs fit together so well, from "Shoot...