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In fact, many of the auteurs of American cinema, directors known for their own distinct creative signature, have multiple films on this list. Billy Wilder, Alfred Hitchcock, and John Ford each directed numerous films considered cinematic masterpieces. Francis Ford Coppola made strong waves in the ...
How Skagen Turns Ocean Plastic Into Watches For The Many - "The Danish-inspired brand is making waves with horological sustainability efforts." How Swatch Went From Disrupter To Iconic Brand - "There's no such thing as having too many Swatches - and trust us, there are plenty to choose fro...
drought and heatwaves in 2012 were the most impactful and destructive. About 56% of the contiguous United States was affected by moderate to extreme drought. Many parts of the country saw huge agricultural losses, and the drought caused 123 direct deaths. #9. Hurricane Ike James L. Harper ...
At the same time, the researchers also monitored their brain waves. According to the researchers, the participants(参加者) were more likely to be happier and less anxious and tired after they left the house. That's because in this intense condition, their brains produce more dopamine.What’s...