Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlustis another modern classic for those that want to double down on gothic, vampire-themed horror and action. Another Madhouse animation,Bloodlustis an anime movie adaptation of Japanese horror author Hideyuki Kikuchi’s thirdVampire Hunter Dnovel, titledDemon Deathchase. Foll...
Haneke truly believes in indicting our bloodlust; he remade this film, shot for shot, with Naomi Watts in 2007. The killer moment: Already a winking Ferris Bueller who talks directly to the lens, ruthless Paul (Arno Frisch) reveals himself to be nothing less than an evil god when his ...
The good book say’s the truth will set you free and the tireless efforts of the independent media are exposing the dark motives and the bloodlust behind the neo-conmen and women who are pushing the Obama administration team to play more golf so the neo-cons can be left minding the chicke...
Haneke truly believes in indicting our bloodlust; he remade this film, shot for shot, with Naomi Watts in 2007. The killer moment: Already a winking Ferris Bueller who talks directly to the lens, ruthless Paul (Arno Frisch) reveals himself to be nothing less than an evil god when his ...