Throughout the five seasons, the show focuses on the crew's journey to find a cure, as well as their struggles with keeping order on the ship and dealing with other survivors. The action in the series is intense, and the stakes are high as the crew races against time to save humanity...
Released: 2014 Directed by: Tom Gormican Also ranks #2 on 30+ Great Movies About Dating in Your 20s Also ranks #4 on Rom-Com Relationships That Were Undoubtedly Wildly Depressing After The Movie Ended Also ranks #8 on The Best Romantic Comedies of 2014 50 Robin Hood: Men in Tights Cary...
A top-secret laboratory experiment goes awry, unleashing colossal prehistoric beasts upon the unsuspecting city below. As chaos erupts and destruction reigns, it's up to a brave group of survivors to save humanity from becoming extinct once again. 2 The Guardsman 517 votes In this action-...
Download and watch on Disney+ — *Savings compared to regular monthly price of each service.Terms apply. **Switches from Live TV to Hulu take effect as of the next billing cycle †For current-season shows in the streaming library only...
The story follows two young girls, the survivors of a ship-wreck, who are raped and beaten by a band of pirate-like cut throats. Left for dead, the girls, who are sexually empowered by a supernatural being hidden in nearby ruins, re-emerge to seek their wrathful vengeance upon their pr...
The Arrowverse is best watched in release order due to the constant additions of new shows and characters, as well as the crossover events. The last major Arrowverse event is the five-episode event that starts off The Flash season 8, called Armageddon, though it's not a true crossover. ...
In a world ravaged by plague, a scrappy theater troupe — called the Traveling Symphony — tours settlements to bring the pleasures of Shakespeare to the survivors. But how did humankind come to this place of ruin and revival? Weaving past and present in a ragged but riveting tapestry, this...
Two survivalists are dropped in it up to their necks as they have to survive 21 days in the Louisiana swamp. They are washed out of their shelter by storms and have to tackle deadly snakes at every moment while avoiding hungry alligators. Episode 7 Bares All The survivors and their ...
In a world ravaged by plague, a scrappy theater troupe called the Traveling Symphony tours settlements to bring the pleasures of Shakespeare to the survivors. But how did humankind come to this place of ruin and revival? Weaving past and present in a ragged but riveting tapestry, this mini-...
Jon’s research into the whereabouts of the chapel murals even when he had evidence of drawings from Mitchell, drew a blank when he interviewed survivors. He finally confirmed the location, when he realised, the men were more familiar with No.11 as the mess hall and canteen rather than the...