“The ABCs of Book Banning,” directed by Sheila Nevins, Nazenet Habtezghi and Trish Adlesic, can be streamed onParamount+(27 minutes) “The Barber of Little Rock,” directed by John Hoffman and Christine Turner, is available via The New Yorker’s YouTube channel (watch below, 35 m...
The ABCs of Book Banning(Sheila Nevins and Trish Adlesic) follows the fight against book bans in America, specifically in Florida.Watch on Paramount+ The Barber of Little Rock(John Hoffman and Christine Turner) explores America's racial wealth gap through the story of barber Arlo ...
The banning of books in schools has become an all too common practice these days, but The ABCs of Book Banning showcases those impacted by these decisions, including authors (among them acclaimed poet Amanda Gorman) and the children of schools where books have been banned. Stream The ABCs of...
Apparently they have, judging by the box office and new slate of nominations. If you haven’t been keeping up with every release of 2023, there’s still time before the Oscars on March 10. With 10 Best Picture nominees and even more titles in other categories, it’s entirely possible man...
Best Live-Action Short Film "The After" (stream now on Netflix) "Invincible" "Knight of Fortune" "Red, White and Blue" "The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar" (stream now on Netflix) Best Documentary Short Film "The ABCs of Book Banning" (stream now on Paramount Plus) "The Barber of ...