E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Henry Thomas, Dee Wallace, Peter Coyote Steven Spielberg's heartwarming science fiction tale follows the story of a young boy named Elliott (Henry Thomas) who befriends a lost alien and helps it return to its...
struggles, fears, and dreams. with its memorable characters, insightful look into adolescent life, and a masterful combination of humor and heart, this film remains a touchstone for generations of viewers. 10 10,100 votes e.t. the extra...
Elgato seems to make most of the TV tuners available for the Mac, and if you want to watch digital terrestrial TV (known as DVB-T), analogue TV and cable TV (DVB-C) plus FM radio, then the EyeTV might just fulfil your needs. The tuner itself is a compact size that fits into a ...
I have a TV, no Freeview box and can see pretty much every Freeview channel plus the terrestrial ones by plugging the aerial into the TV and tuning the TV. That was literally all I did, am I missing something with plug in this and buy this and that box? granted I'm middle aged ...
The chemtrail phenomenon is part and parcel of the extra terrestrial Intervention occurring right before our eyes. Planet Earth has been discovered by non human resource explorers who are influencing world leadership in order to effect a transfer of leadership on earth. These races see humanity as...
Was it a cover story for extra terrestrials landing? Reply Chris 10/25/2015 • No Greg, I did not go through the document word for word. I skimmed it, looking for something new. I see nothing in that document that indicates something nefarious is going on. Cloud seeding experiments...