Starsky and Hutch is a police comedy that aired on ABC from 1975 to 1979. Here are six TV shows to watch if you liked the series.‘Miami Vice’ Don Johnson and Philip Michael | Randee St. Nicholas/NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal via Getty ImagesMiami Vice aired on NBC from 1984 to 1989...
Davidis a household name thanks to the iconic show, which he also produced and helped to become an unprecedented success. He played the wise captain of the lifeguards, Mitch Buchannon, inBaywatchand its spinoffs,Baywatch: HawaiiandBaywatch Nights. The 72-year-old explained toPe...
and its theme song, “Up Where We Belong,” became a #1 hit and an Oscar winner in its own right. The only films from 1982 that outgrossed it at the box office wereE.T.and
Activity for the cop movie included lenticular posters showing off the iconic Ford Torino,...Brech, Poppy
Starsky & Hutch (2004) Tom McTigue Harvey Miller 22 Boyhood (I) (2014) Charlie Brumbly Zack McEwan 22 Never Surrender (2009) Nancy Valen Samantha Thomas 22 Friends (1994) Angelica Bridges Lt. Taylor Walsh 22 Mystery Men (1999) Brian L. Keaulana Brian 22 50 First...