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the show follows the bumbling antics of a dysfunctional superhero family as they leap from one global mishap to the next. The animated series received considerable acclaim throughout its run, being called thebest Adult Swim series
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtleswas a staple in many family households during the ’90s. Based on the eponymous comic book, the animated television show premiered in 1987 and ran for nearly a decade, airing its last episode in 1996. Children fell in love with the relatable personalities and zany ...
Batman: Caped Crusader is a new animated series in the spirit of the beloved '90s show Batman: The Animated Series. Here's the official synopsis from Prime Video: Welcome to Gotham City, where the corrupt outnumber the good, criminals run rampant and law-abiding citizens live in a constant...
"Alien" franchise follows Ellen Ripley (played by Sigourney Weaver) after she crash lands on a wasteland that's inhabited by former inmates of a maximum-security prison. Ripley must fight to convince everyone that they're all facing a deadly threat from the new spawn of her old alien ...
TVTrack Series Star Wars: Visions(2021) TVTrack Series Spawn(1997) TVTrack Series Unbreakable Machine Doll(2013) TVTrack Series The Dragon Prince(2018) TVTrack Series Space Dandy(2014) TVTrack Series Avatar: The Last Airbender(2005) TVTrack Series ...
63 Metascore 2017-2019 2 Seasons Fox Drama, Fantasy, Action & Adventure, Science Fiction TVPG Watchlist A family adventure series that follows a suburban couple whose ordinary lives are rocked by the discovery that their teenage children possess mutant powers. ...
what it is: a great show. With 15 seasons and a staggering 327 episodes,Supernaturalmade history as one of the longest-running shows in the fantasy genre, even going so far as to spawnThe Winchesters, a spin-off prequel/sequelthat should be watched after the main series to avoid spoilers...
Our PS3 Contest winner gets what's coming to him. Mr. Rogers is turning Japanese. Spawn faces the Devil with his one true skill - fiddling. Fonzie takes care of Cha-Chi the best he can in The Pursuit of Happy Days. Iron Man's feet become his greatest weakness. VH1's "Top 100 Fin...
It’s a bit like Overwatch’s signature Escort mode, but here each team is trying to push the robot to the other team’s spawn point, rather than one team permanently defending and one attacking for the whole match. It does a great job of centralising the fight, with both teams ...