Her romantic entanglement with Charles looks like betrayal to her Irish peers. George (Andrew Simpson), Belfast born, Protestant, is a barrister with republican leanings. These are just a few of the complex, diverse characters that feature in our multi-stranded drama. The series covers the even...
Conquering Big Red Making your way up one of the biggest sand dunes in the Simpson Desert is no easy task, especially in a car that was fundamentally designed to take your family to the Opera on a Friday Night and Luno Sport then the Snow on the weekend. Compared to the Jacob Co portf...
Over on a lawyers-only subreddit, the attorneys seemed to want to discuss only my side note on patentability of theShadow of the Demon Lordinitiative system. I guess it’s great that they all agree that my argument is trivially correct, but Rob Schwalb has seriously hijacked my glory. I ...
One image displays a warning that the device had not been approved by the FCC and is not allowed to be sold. Some of the software is similar to the final watchOS 1.0 UI, but one app that stands out is an image of Lisa Simpson, a reference to the Apple Lisa Computer...
over/under the flatbush zombies rate oj simpson, matt damon and macklemore | over/under neon indian rates ted cruz, guy fieri and patrick stewart | over/under mish barber-way rates keith richards, betty white and nickelback | over/under chairlift rate james taylor, ashton kutcher and t...
Yesterday a private invitation-only memorial was held for Lou Reed at New York’s Apollo Theater. Attending and speaking or performing were Lou Reed’s wife, Laurie Anderson, Velvet Underground founding member Moe Tucker, Patti Smith, Hal Wilner, Antony, John Zorn and others. ...
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (WNW 532 6.3.22) The USA is rushing to spend more money on weapons to send to Ukraine for more war. They are sending drones, hellfire missiles and $700 million more to kill Russians if the money ever even makes it there.
Where Five Writers Write: Colson Whitehead, Douglas Coupland, Mona Simpson, Joyce Carol Oates and Roddy Doyle February 16, 2014 Waiting for the End of the World: Al Gore Reviews Elizabeth Kolbert’s ‘The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History’ February 16, 2014 Audio: Bob Dylan Talks to...
6.Consensus Nominees Ltd aka ‘Simpson Grierson’ 7.Minter Ellison Lawyers NZ Ltd 8. Martin Thomson (DLA Piper Ltd) 9.Duncan Cotterill 10.Anderson Lloyd Shareholding Co Ltd The Lawyers’RegulatorEnabler The NZLS describes itself as a regulator with: ...
Where Five Writers Write: Colson Whitehead, Douglas Coupland, Mona Simpson, Joyce Carol Oates and Roddy Doyle February 16, 2014 Waiting for the End of the World: Al Gore Reviews Elizabeth Kolbert’s ‘The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History’ February 16, 2014 Audio: Bob Dylan Talks to...