等到你肉身都融化了,堵住了下水道,肉汤还漫出来……这可是一个真实事件。 Reddit上的帖子继续回答了为什么如果你在洗澡的时候摔倒,更需要告知外界:“我读过一些急救人员的恐怖故事,他们发现死去的老人已经在洗澡水中腌制了一段时间。他们到场后基本上就是把他舀进桶里。”“我实际上看过一个老家伙的照片,他就这样...
然而,要启动这夜的序曲,目前只能通过Siri的魔法咒语。在手表的设置迷宫或界面的其他角落,你都找不到那扇通往夜的开关。更令人遗憾的是,这夜的魔法似乎并未普及到所有的苹果手表家族成员,Reddit上的勇士们发现,Series 5及更古老的型号都无法触及这份夜的馈赠。#watchos隐藏功能# ...
Still, there have been anecdotal reports of false positives on rollercoasters, as is detailed inthis Reddit post. (Note that the user who began that thread experienced the false positives using an iPhone, not the Series 8.) One would imagine that the heart-rate graph of someone on a roller...
不仅仅是简单的修复 虽然我们不确定这个问题实际上有多普遍,但多个 Reddit 线程表明这个问题发生得相当频繁。甚至引起了一些用户的猜测是否值得购买最新型号。然而,一些评论者透露,即使在使用开发人员的测试版软件时,他们也根本没有遇到过这个问题。 苹果上个月确实建议让智能手表保持最新状态,因此,如果您在 Apple ...
据 MacRumors 报道,近期有多名 Reddit 网友发帖称,苹果为 watchOS 11 提供的“生命体征(Vitals)”应用可在症状出现前数天检测潜在疾病的功能。IT之家注:该应用会分析用户过去 7 天的睡眠数据,帮助部分 Apple Watch 用户提前发现潜在疾病。这一功能适用于 Apple Watch Series 8 及更新型号的设备,包括 Apple ...
A rumor claims that the a 2024 Apple Watch Series 10 will include a refreshed design, with new health features expected to include detection of hypertension and sleep apnea.
Users love to create and share designs via Reddit and Facebook that others can download. Despite offering complex-looking watch faces, it is really easy to save, customize, and use these on your Apple Watch. If you are looking for a Casio Apple Watch face, Clockology should be your go-...
The only drawback about WatchSeries is that if you click on anything, it will most probably lead you to an ad. But if you keep watching the whole movie till the end without pausing or clicking on anything, there will be no ads, which is quite amazing. ...
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据MacRumors 报道,近期有多名 Reddit 网友发帖称,苹果为 watchOS 11 提供的“生命体征(Vitals)”应用可在症状出现前数天检测潜在疾病的功能。 IT之家注:该应用会分析用户过去 7 天的睡眠数据,帮助部分 Apple Watch 用户提前发现潜在疾病。这一功能适用于 Apple Watch Series 8 及更新型号的设备,包括 Apple Watch...