This dark comedy series from Kit Williamson got its start on YouTube, but was later shown through Logo TV and Vimeo before finding a home at Netflix. Set in Silver Lake, Los Angeles,EastSidersfollows Thom (Van Hansis) and Cal (Williamson) as they navigate their lives, community, substanc...
FreeGuy (2021) Ryan Reynolds stars in this film that contains more surprises than we could have anticipated. The plot revolves around a non-playable guy in a vast online video game who, by getting special glasses, can manipulate his environment and eliminate a threat from the game. There are...
'Rocketman' (2019) Sir Elton Johncan consider himself unlucky that his remarkable life story was dramatized just a year afterBohemian Rhapsodycleaned up at the box office. Had cinemagoers not already embraced a biopic of a flamboyant British rock act who rose to fame...
and that the ‘Little Rocketman’ is setting off missiles that fail. I also wonder why we are spending 50 Billion dollars of Nuclear capable Submarines when we could be wiped out in seconds. I for one can’t wait to see if Revelation is going to come in out lifetime. Reply David ...