Private School is a coming-of-age comedy film that was released in 1983. It focuses on a group of students from an exclusive all-girls school and an all-boys counterpart, as they navigate through the difficulties of adolescence. The film's all-star cast includes Phoebe Cates, Betsy Russell...
From 'Do Revenge' to 'Superbad,' here are the 60 best coming-of-age movies about high school and adolescence you can watch now.
Saving Private Ryan (1998) 94% Critics Consensus: Anchored by another winning performance from Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg’s unflinchingly realistic war film virtually redefines the genre. Where to Stream: Pluto TVThe Silence of the Lambs (1991) 95% Critics Consensus: Director Jonathan Demme...
Best known for his erotic horror films, such as The Rape of the Vampire, Lips of Blood, and The Living Dead Girl, French filmmaker Jean Rollin frequently indulged in the softcore (and occasionally hardcore) sex film. Among the more personal of these films is SCHOOLGIRL HITCHHIKERS (Jeunes fil...
Whispering Corridors 3: Wishing Stairs, The film story revolves around the friendship of a group of girls dance school . In case , there is a ladder leading up residence with 28 steps of stairs called the treaty . Legend has it that if someone walked up the stairs , just sincerely prayed...
See the sexiest nude celebs in their hottest film, television, and photo features. Find any nude celebrity appearance you can imagine, all in one place.
Over 17K filmgoers have voted on the 210+ films on Good Movies for 13-Year-Olds. Current Top 3: The Hunger Games Franchise, Guardians of the Galaxy Franchise, ...
Emmanuelle is a 1974 erotic drama film directed by Just Jaeckin and written by Jean-Louis Richard. It tells the story of a young woman named Emmanuelle (played by Sylvia Kristel), who is newly married to a French diplomat named Jean (played by Daniel Sarky) and moves to Bangkok with him...
When 20-year-old bride Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) reveals that she secretly invited three men, one of which could potentially be her father, to her upcoming wedding—without telling her mother (Meryl Streep)—chaos ensues. Based on the Abba musical, this film includes many of the Swedish band...
If you love superhero movies, thisSpider-Manstandalone may become your favorite of them all. The Oscar-winning animated film follows Miles Morales' origin story with a multiverse twist that has multiple Spider-Mans (Spiders-Man? Spider-Men?) popping up in his world. ...