This sequel to ‘Pee-wee’s Big Adventure’ lacked many elements that helped make the original film such a success. Gone was Tim Burton, the visionary director who helped balance Pee-wee’s wide-eyed persona with the real world. Gone was Phil Hartman, the comedian who co-wrote the origina...
This sequel to ‘Pee-wee’s Big Adventure’ lacked many elements that helped make the original film such a success. Gone was Tim Burton, the visionary director who helped balance Pee-wee’s wide-eyed persona with the real world. Gone was Phil Hartman, the comedian who co-wrote the origina...
This sequel to ‘Pee-wee’s Big Adventure’ lacked many elements that helped make the original film such a success. Gone was Tim Burton, the visionary director who helped balance Pee-wee’s wide-eyed persona with the real world. Gone was Phil Hartman, the comedian who co-wrote the origina...
This sequel to ‘Pee-wee’s Big Adventure’ lacked many elements that helped make the original film such a success. Gone was Tim Burton, the visionary director who helped balance Pee-wee’s wide-eyed persona with the real world. Gone was Phil Hartman, the comedian who co-wrote the origina...
Film Action and adventure Director: Akira Kurosawa Raging against the dying of the light in the spirit of its protagonist, an ageing Kurosawa translated King Lear into a sprawling, muscular epic set in feudal Japan. Ran has the 75-year-old at the absolute peak of his powers. It’s missing...