This sci-fi classic, directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Michael J. Fox as teenager Marty McFly, is a must-see for its thrilling time-travel adventure and heartfelt explorations of family dynamics. When Marty accidentally travels back i...
Also ranks #5 on The Best Disney Movies Starring Animals 39 Angel's Egg Jinpachi Nezu, Mako Hyōdō, Keiichi Noda 4 votes Angel's Egg is a visually mesmerizing and surreal animated film that takes viewers on a haunting journey through a dream-like world rich with symbolism ...
The Wolves of Kromer is a UK-made movie in 1998 that revolves around a pack of wolves who live in the English countryside. Set in a misty and magical world, the wolves lived in an idyllic setting, filled with beauty and splendor. However, despite their seemingly peaceful surroundings, the...
Field Trip Starring Inspector Gadget Fievel's American Tails Fillmore! Filmation's Ghostbusters Final Space Finley the Fire Engine Fireball XL5 Firebuds Fired On Mars Fireman Sam Fish Hooks Fish Police Fishtronaut Fix and Foxi Fizzy's Lunch Lab Flash Gordon Flash Gordon (1996 TV series) Flea...
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If you're looking to stay in and stay warm on March 17, then we've got all the best Irish movies you need for the perfect St. Patrick's Day movie marathon.
Movies Sign In Watch War Wolves R 2009 1 hr 40 min 2.8 (1,021) War Wolves is a 2009 action-packed horror movie with a unique twist that sets it apart from other films in its genre. It revolves around a group of American soldiers who have been turned into werewolves and are sent...
Starring Liam Neeson, this survival thriller revolves around an Alaskan sharpshooter who becomes stranded with five of his fellow oil refinery workers following a plane crash, forcing them to take on cold temps and an angry pack of wolves. STREAM NOW 6 The Martian (2015) This content is import...
Many, including us, questioned the wisdom ofTodd PhillipstakingJoker, starring Joaquin Phoenix, to the Venice Film Festival for its premiere in 2019. Still, as history proved,The Hangoverhelmer knew better, as not only was it well received, but the movie took home the Golden Lion on i...
Also ranks #6 on The Best Disney Movies Starring Cats 6 Spirited Away Rumi Hîragi, Miyu Irino, Mari Natsuki 336 votes Hayao Miyazaki's masterpiece, Spirited Away, is an ideal choice for those seeking an immersive and spellbinding animated experience while under the influence....