"No Country for Old Men" is a 2007 neo-western thriller film directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. The movie is based on the novel of the same name by Cormac McCarthy. The film takes place in West Texas, in the 1980s. The story revolves around a drug deal gone wrong and the violent ...
Released over a decade ago, Joel and Ethan Coen’s Best Picture winner No Country For Old Men endures as one of the finest films of this young century thus far. As usual, the Coens are fairly tight-lipped about their creative process, but that didn’t stop star Josh Brolin from making...
Hosted by SazeracWickedWish You Were HereWolf Man#MenToo (Telugu)Action Jackson {1988}Attack on Titan the Movie: The Last AttackAXCN 2025: Cowboy Bebop: The MovieAXCN Gundam Fest: Mobile Suit Gundam: Chars AttackBabe {1995}Babe: Pig in the City {1998}Becoming Led ZeppelinBeethoven {1992...
Oscar Hopkins is an Oxford seminarian with a passion for gambling. Lucinda Leplastrier is a Sydney heiress with a fascination for glass. The year is 1864. When they meet on the boat to Australia their lives will be forever changed... Dar... C Peter 被引量: 16发表: 1988年 ...
90. No Country for Old Men (2007) Film Cormac McCarthy and the Coen brothers are a match made in the driest, most violent corner of heaven. The filmmaking duo’s fixation with choice, chance and fate reaches its apex with their adaptation of the late author’s 2005 novel – which began...
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Even though this is a limited Netflix series, "When They See Us" feels like a movie in many ways. It tells the story of Central Park Five, who were wrongly convicted as teens for the murder of a 28-year-old woman and spent between six and 13 years in prison (their convictions were...
But his uncle craves the title for himself and will stop at nothing -- even killing his own brother -- to get it. Genres: Animation, Drama, Family. Country: United States of America. Runtime: 1h 29m. Rated: G. Movie links: TrailerIMDbTMDb Watch movie: #8 Toy Story 1995 Director:...
Country: United States of America. Runtime: 1h 40m. Rated: G. Movie links: TrailerIMDbTMDb Watch movie: #29 V for Vendetta 2006 People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people. Director: James McTeigue. Cast: Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving,...