At Bat(棒球) 你可以查看自己喜欢的棒球队的最新消息,例如实时赛况、球员信息、比赛高潮、分数等。 BMWi Remote(宝马) 你可以查看BMWi电动汽车的充电情况,宝马充满电后,你会收到通知。你也可以查看车门是否上锁等。你可以在上车前通过Apple Watch调节车内温度,这样你进去的时候温度就刚好了。 Twitter(推特...
尽管还要等15天才能在苹果零售店看到Apple Watch,发售更是要等到4月24号,但是很多支持Apple Watch的知名应用,今天已经在AppStore完成更新。 这些添加了Apple Watch支持的应用包括:AliPay、WeChat、Evernote、Air Canada、Babbel、Dark Sky、ECB Cricket、Expedia、Kitchen Stories、Line、 At Bat、Procreate Pocket...
至于这次 watchOS 的独立程序,目前我在 App Store 里看到的第三方 app 大多还是以通知功能为主,除 MLB At Bat 客户端可以用手表来听直播、星巴克客户端可以用手表来下订单等几款 app 能独立运行外,其余大多是通知或 To Do 类程序。所以这方面还需要苹果日后积极去推动开发者去开发,拓展独立 app 在 watchOS 上...
MLB.TV includes some solid features like DVR controls for live games, home and away TV and radio broadcast feeds, and hundreds of on-demand highlights, classic games, and documentaries. You also get At Bat (formerly known as MLB Audio) included with your subscription—featuring audio access to...
Air Canada、支付宝 、Babbel、Dark Sky、ECB Cricket、Evernote 、Expedia、Kitchen Stories、Line、 At Bat、Procreate Pocket、Qantas Airways、Redfin、Runtastic Six Pack、Sky Guide、SPG: Starwood Hotels and Resorts、The New York Times、Target、Things、TransitApp、The Wall Street Journal、Twitter、...
MLB At Bat, theofficial app of Major League Baseballis your number one live baseball score app for Apple Watch. The MLB App covers live MLB games right from the Opening Day to the World Series. Significantly, MLB.TV All Teams subscribers can receive the Premium features of the app for fre...
You can buy an At Bat subscription via the MLB At Bat app. It costs $20 a year (or $3 a month) and lets you listen to the home or away radio broadcasts and watch one game per day during the season. You can't choose which game you want to watch; you're stuck with the MLB....
All season long, baseball fans have been able to watch Minor League Baseball games across all of MLB's digital platforms. MLB.TV and At Bat subscribers have watched their favorite team's Minor League affiliates in the app at no additional cost, while all At Bat Procreate Pocket Qantas Airways Redfin Runtastic Six Pack(六块腹肌软件) Sky Guide(星象指南) SPG: Starwood Hotels and Resorts The New York Times Target Things TransitApp The Wall Street Journal Twitter 微信 Yahoo Tourney Pick’Em... At Bat 用户可以关注最喜爱球队的最新动向。联赛的各种信息,包括实时统计数据、细致到每一投的赛事更新、球员资料、精彩瞬间和比分。 SPG 入住喜达屋酒店及度假村时,Apple Watch 上的这款 App 将带给你更进一步的体验。现在,你可以直接用 Apple Watch 打开门锁,而不必随身携带房卡。另外,还可获得前往酒店...