While I'd love to tell you there's one streaming subscription that will unlock access to all of the Halloween movies in the franchise, that's simply not the case. In fact, the films are scattered across half a dozen streamers as of the time of writing. A Michael Myers marathon may be...
In 2018, the highly anticipated sequel to the original 1978 slasher film Halloween was released. Directed by David Gordon Green and co-written by Green, Danny McBride, and Jeff Fradley, this film brings back Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode, the iconic survivor of Michael Myers' killing spre...
Nightmare Vessels - Halloween 2 - Glow in the Dark MondoThe boogieman is back as part of Mondo’s new Nightmare Vessel line, featuring articulated soft vinyl figures that arrive inside sculpted, collectible containers. A spectral Glow-In-The-Dark Variant, this premium Michael Myers figu...
With so many movies to choose from, let’s not forget one of the best movie franchises to date: the Halloween movies. The first Halloween movie was released in 1978 and introduced Michael Myers, a ruthless killer from the age of 6 years old. Now, there are 13 Halloween films, the la...
Michael Myers, the iconic masked killer who has haunted her for decades, has seemingly vanished. As Halloween night approaches, a series of mysterious murders begin to plague the town of Haddonfield. A young man named Corey Cunningham (James Jude Courtney), who has been ostracized by the ...
Looking to watch Halloween III: Season of the Witch? Find out where Halloween III: Season of the Witch is streaming, if Halloween III: Season of the Witch is on Netflix, and get news and updates, on Decider.
Halloween calls for a mix of horror, thriller, and suspenseful movies to match the spooky season. Here are some good movies to watch free on Halloween: Halloween (1978): The iconic slasher film that introduced Michael Myers and set the standard for horror. ...
6. Halloween In the 1978 horror, which stars Donald Pleasence and Jamie Lee Curtis, we meet the sinister and unforgettable anti-hero, Michael Myers. 15 years after he murdering his sister on Halloween night, he escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield to...
Also ranks #1 on The Best Musical Movies To Watch On Halloween 9 Despicable Me Steve Carell, Jason Segel, Russell Brand 42 votes In this animated film, supervillain Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) finds his wicked ways challenged after adopting three orphaned girls while trying to pull...
It's worth noting that Halloween was one of the first films in what would become the slasher genre, and its influence can still be seen in horror films today. Michael Myers is an iconic villain, and his masked visage has become a symbol of fear and terror for countless fans. ...