Lawyer), who will take viewers "on a wild journey into the twisted story of the massacre at Wonderland Avenue on July 1, 1981—one of Hollywood’s most famous murder cases that has fascinated people for more than 40 years," reads the official description for the four-part docu...
Echo In the Canyonis a look at how The Byrds,The Beach Boys, Buffalo Springfield, and The Mamas & the Papas were all key to the beginnings of the Laurel Canyon music scene. Although this poignant documentary was directed by Andrew Slater, one of the most important people behind its success...
Dogwatch is a fascinating insight into the lives of three mercenaries, contrasting the intense training and preparedness exercises they undertake with the reality of everyday life onboard one of these vessels. In his first feature documentary, Gregoris Rentis follows these guards at different stages...