“The Ingraham Angle”: Hosted by Laura Ingraham, this show offers conservative commentary on the day’s news, as well as interviews with conservative politicians and pundits. Ingraham is known for her advocacy of conservative causes and her criticism of the mainstream media. “The Five”: This...
58.90m 10 Anthony Harrison JR Kennesaw State 58.86m 11 Milton Ingraham SO FL State 58.47m 12 Josh Sobota JR Kentucky 58.44m 13 Kevin Nedrick JR Liberty 58.36m 14 Thomas Kitchell SO Wake Forest 58.28m 15 Andrew White JR Wake Forest 58.22m 16 Tanner Watson SO Ohio State 58.22m 17 Mat...
Steve Hilton Laura Ingraham Griff Jenkins Brian Kilmeade Mark Levin Martha MacCallum Dana Perino Jeanine Pirro Chris Stirewalt Chris Wallace Jesse Watters Juan Williams Overall Ratings and Reception Ratings will be described year to year. In 2003 to 2010 Fox News had a significant rise in ratings ...
By Greg Hunter’sUSAWatchdog.com(Early Sunday Release) Geopolitical and financial analyst Warren Pollock says if you look beneath the veneer, the USA and China function much differently than their stated forms of government. Pollock explains, “Now, we have melded the organs of state that we ne...
IF they live, they will try to come back. They will never give up. Public hangings, tarring and feathering and worse because I do NOT want this to happen again and I do not want my children’s children’s generation to have to go through this because I was too weak to do what ...
“The Ingraham Angle”: Hosted by Laura Ingraham, this show offers conservative commentary on the day’s news, as well as interviews with conservative politicians and pundits. Ingraham is known for her advocacy of conservative causes and her criticism of the mainstream media. “The Five”: This...
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (WNW 422 3.6.2020) Who knows how bad the virus problem is going to get, but the financial fallout is real and getting worse. Hotels, airlines and restaurants are getting killed along with many other businesses around the